Worship Service Write-up

Sunday Worship Service | 14 July 2024 | 5:00PM

The service started with Mr. Kaplianlal reading Scripture portion from Isaiah 40:41 and committing the service to the Almighty with a prayer. A blissful praise and worship followed and the offertory was dedicated to the Lord by Elder Khamkhanpau Guite.

A special song ‘Hon Ngai Ing’ was beautifully performed by Mr. Paulalmuang, he also read out Galatians 5:22. Greeting the congregation and welcoming the first timers to the church, Pastor Suankhanhau also introduced our main speaker for the day Mr. Pauzalun Hangluah Consultant (B.I). He also made a few important announcements including Baptism Ceremony to be held on 20 July 24’.

The main speaker, Mr. Pauzalun Hangluah started his sermon by reading the entire Scripture portion of Genesis 5 and Genesis 9:28. He commented on the inevitability of death, how futile humans’ desire for immortality was, even this impressive genealogy eventually ended with death despite their long lives. Reading from Romans 6, the Speaker explained that the bible portrays death and sin as a tyrant and death although not intended by God, is a tragedy because of Adam’s rebellion against God which consequently made Adam and his descendants a slave to sin and death; in the midst of all this, Jesus came along and claimed that He is the one who gives life as written in John 11:25, He substantiated His claims by resurrecting Lazarus from dead, He himself rose from the dead. Quoting from 1 Corinthians 15:20, the Speaker expounded that for followers of Christ there is resurrection, reanimation, eternal life and as promised we will one day dwell on a new heaven and a new earth with Jesus Christ who is the firstfruit; we must conduct ourselves on this earth as a citizen of the new heaven and must be distinctive from others, although it was written salvation is a gift from God by grace which we receive through faith, James and Paul presented the other side of the coin that is, the evidence of our faith can be seen in our obedience to God; Peter also wrote that since we are looking forward to a new heaven, we must be righteous and holy. The Speaker urged the congregation on the need to introspect our relationship with Christ and that God’s presence should not be an inconvenience in our lives just like Adam and Eve in the garden when they first violated God. He concluded his sermon by recapitulating that we are followers of Jesus Christ who promised us eternal life which unlike obscure scientific researches is evidence-based also reminding the congregation that God placed each one of us in this church, community and family to discover this eternal life, to embrace Jesus Christ who offers us everything.

Praise and Worship team took the stage and led the last hymn, the worship service concluded with prayer and benediction by Elder B. Langkham.

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