Worship Service Write-up

Sunday Worship Service | 26 May 2024 | 11:00 AM

Lianlalmuan opened the worship service by reading Psalm 93. After his prayer, the congregation sang "Siangthou, Siangthou, Siangthou" as the opening hymn. Then, Elder B Langkham dedicated the offerings to the Lord.
The mass prayer was led by Elder K. Jamchinthang, who highlighted the following points for prayer-
Praise and Thanksgiving for:
  • The clothes, food and shelter God has provided us
  • The establishment of Line of Control
  • The protection of Frontline Volunteers
  • No recent horrific gun-shooting with our enemies
  • For all answered prayers 
  • The safety of our connected roads between Mizoram, Sugnu and Kangpokpi 
  • The continual success of the church’s plans to carry out the Lord’s work through policies and missions 
  • Lastly, the Lord’s protection and guidance for leading us thus far, till the last Sunday of the month of May
Prayer points for:
  • The breaking of barriers that are against separate administration
  • The authorities to see our enemy’s wrongdoings
  • Our leaders to be wise, patient, have the spirit of good leadership and the like
  • Our land to be a God-fearing land
  • The protection of our Frontline Volunteers
  • Persevere for an addiction-free people
  • The protection of our body and spirit through schools and education
  • An important prayer point- The continuation of our missionary calling
  • The Dorca Khawmpi 
  • Pastors Prayer Fellowship’s plans to be a success
  • The protection from the prevailing heatwave
  • The success of the change of church timings 
  • God’s will over the Lok Sabha election results

Elder N. Sonzalian was the sermon speaker for the day. He started the sermon by reading from John 3:8 and then explained that his sermon was divided into two parts; the first part would be his testimony with a song led by the worship team and then the second part would consist of a short speech.
In his testimony, he mentioned that he was never keen to go to church as a child and due to peer influences, he became addicted to cigarettes and tobacco. Soon, he came to a realization that he couldn’t stop it by himself. Once when he was sick and lying in bed, he realized he was living the life of the very people he thought lowly of and hence, in order to change his life, he reached out to counsellors. Through the conviction of the verse of Romans 10:9-10, he gave his life to the Lord. The elder explained that some people have a specific day they remember giving their life to the Lord, while others return to the Lord gradually. So, it was perfectly okay if one didn’t have an exact time and day of returning to the Lord. He also testified, through his life experiences, that the promise of Malachi 3:10 does stand true.

In the next part of his sermon, he talked about the country of Japan. He highlighted on the techniques of fishing that the Japanese people have developed. Through this, he concludes that like the people of Japan, we must learn to persevere for our goals and not be discouraged when it does not work out. Another point was that without challenges, our lives would become less satisfying and we would grow sluggish. He ended his sermon by explaining that we must learn to face our challenges and move on from it.

The next segment of the service was the welcoming of the recently registered newcomers to the church. Then Elder H. Kamsuanthang prayed over them. He then gave an overview and general directions for the coming change of church timings.

The church service ended with a praise and worship, after which Elder Zabiak concluded the service with a prayer.

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