The service began with praise and worship by singing
Ka hondampa honpii ding’ nai gige
Enven ka teen na gamnuam
Offerings was blessed by Elder T Gou Khangin
There was announcement of the following
- Both Pastors are going to attend the Pastor Fellowship in Lamka on 14 march 2022
- Nurses Fellowship is scheduled to be held on 26th March at EBCC Delhi
Pastor prayed for church members who had during the month of March- Birthday, Baptism & Marriage anniversary, join service, got promoted, exams, Sunday Worship Service, and been appointed as Church leaders, Missionaries, Political & Social leaders.
Sermon was delivered by Pastor G Khankham
- I Corinthian 6:20 talked about us being bought at a price by God. So, our body and soul should praise God and be fully devoted to Him.
- Corinth was once the capital of Rome. It was a melting pot of cultures, traditions and abundance of everything. Different kinds of gods also existed for fertility, happiness, health, material wealth etc. Paul had set up church in Corinth in his 1st out of 4 Journeys.
- As a follow up, Paul had sent 4 letters (Book of Corinthians) to the Church of Corinth asking them again and again to stay away from Immorality that was quite prevalent.
- Paul had spread the Gospel not for pride and fame. But rather he found it a burden for him not to share and is not for any gain. He understood the commission to all the Christians to spread the good news.
- When God has blessed us good life here in Delhi, why should we not work for the Glory of God? It is our responsibility to live out the life and bear spiritual fruit. It could be as simple a spreading the spread of Gospel.
Benediction by Elder Chinsum