The Holy Communion was observed in the afternoon Youth-centric Worship Service at EBCC Delhi today. The Worship Team took the lead in praise and worship of the Lord. Offertories collected were consecrated by Upa B Langkham. A few announcements concerning the coming BYF Day 2017 followed. Pastor H Biakson delivered the message of the Holy Communion, which was followed by the congregation partaking of the wine and bread. The service came to a close with benediction by the Pastor.
Message of the Holy Communion
Theme: ‘Jesus in the middle’
Scripture Ref.: John 19:16-18, Proverbs 23:26, Mark 12:29-30, Ephesians 2:13-14
There is purpose and significance in all things that the Lord does. Because the Lord is righteous, the only way for the world to reconcile with Him is through the blood of His own son Jesus who was crucified on the cross - for the wages of sin is death! Jesus came and stood in the middle to bridge the gap between the Lord and the world. Numbers 2:2-17 details the way ‘tabernacles’ were constructed and arrangements made around tabernacles, by which each tribe of Israel were instructed to occupy places north, east, west and south of the tabernacles. This is symbolic because it represents how the Lord chooses a place in the middle of His people; that He desires to be in the midst of our everyday lives, and wants to bridge the distance between us and Him. How distant, then, are we from Him at this point in our lives if we look back to the time when the joy of our Salvation was new and God seemed close as ever? In Revelation 3:20, the Lord says, “Here I am! I stand at the door and knock.” This does not refer to unbelievers, but rather to the people of the church of Laodicea who have Him sidelined. The Lord desires to be with us, His people, in our midst - in our lives, in our career, in the relationships that we keep, and in everything else.
~ Kamlianmung, Media Team, EBCC Delhi.