Worship Service Write-up

Sunday Service | Pastor Lamkhanthang | April 03, 2022 | 11:00 AM


The 11 AM Service began with the reading of the text for the Bible Study i,e 1 Corinthians 10:23-33 and learning the Memory Verse (I Corinthians 10:31) by the congregation followed by praise and worship session. Thereafter, ordained elder L. Ngulminthang dedicated the offerings to the Lord.

Awarding of BSI chief patron certificate to Liankhankhual Vualnam and GBC individual patron certificate to Nu Chingngaihlian Nunthuk followed.

Pastor Lamkhanthang read out Psalm 22:19 and performed the pastoral prayer for the congregation. Thereafter, he gave a brief report about EBCC Delhi (Number of families-298, number of non-family – 603, total membership – 1734, number of persons giving tithes - 196 etc.). He observed said that the church has recently conducted its financial audit and wanted everyone to ponder what the findings would be if God were to conduct a spiritual audit.

Going into the text of the Bible Study, Pastor explained the meaning of christian liberty which is also related to Paul’s answer to eating of food offered to idols. He said that true christian liberty is doing good for others and for the glory of God. In christian ethics, we have to value others above ourselves and whatever we do, eat or drink must all be for the glory of God. Referring to the words spoken by John the Baptist that Jesus Christ must increase while he (John) must decrease, Pastor exhorted the congregation to learn to become small for the glory of God in all areas of our lives, in every decision we make and in everything we do.

The Worship Service ended with benediction by ordained elder H. Zabiak.

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Phone: +91-9862741044 / 87309 91331 | Email: pastor@ebccdelhi.org