Worship Service Write-up

Sunday Worship Service | Pastor Thuamminlian Guite | 6 September 2020

Does Jesus Care

We often question God’s way in our lives when we met during sickness, sorrow, loss, and death, all this even after our prayers and devotion. In 1Peter 5:7 we see God wants us to surrender all our worries to him. God is our only hope in times of need yet we often question his existence. This raises a concerning question that we may not truly understand what Jesus truly is.
Even the disciples don’t truly know what Jesus is even after seeing his wonders and accepting him as the messiah Acts 1:6. They fail to see Jesus through the spiritual eyes. Like the disciples, it is possible for us to see Jesus only as a provider.
In the gospel of John, we see Jesus talking about his glory through his death. Jesus is glorified through Lazarus’s death.
God's main purpose in coming to the world is to bring us salvation. Our hardships are often the way through which God’s glory is exalted. When God doesn’t answer our prayers according to our liking, this doesn’t mean that God is less in any sense. The mutual recognition between the shepherd and the flock, God knows his people each by their names and his people recognize his voice.
In Mathew 6 we see God providing his people. The first and foremost important thing is our submission to Jesus “Seeking first his kingdom and righteousness”.
Jesus came to provide us abundant life. We must realize we live inside the love of God. We may not always find things going to our likings but this is often to glorify God. God sees beyond our hardships this can be seen through the life of Joseph. We must understand that Christianity is not a scam and realize what Jesus did for us and not doubt God's existence. As we see God’s glory through the cross let us realize God is often Glorified through our sufferings.

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