Worship Service Write-up

Sunday Worship Service | March 08, 2020 | 2 PM

Authorities are grappling with the strides of environment issues with the increasing demand to protect our forest and good use of our natural resources even as the Finance Commission gives 10.0 weightage in its 2020-21 recommendations in India.

God, the creator of heaven and earth tasked us with the responsibility of being good environmentalists. Humans, one above all his creation are appointed to be the steward of our natural environment.

This is evidently seen in the Old Testament where the 7th year of their cultivation is to be kept as a Sabbath known as "Sabbath year" and the land should be left untiled. This is in tune with the scientific principle where the land need to be kept at rest for sometime so as the quality remains supportive to the production of organic foods; as to bear fruits and multiply is the very heart of God.

Some of the people in the Bible, tasked with protecting the creation are :

Adam - Stewardship of the garden of Eden.
Noah - Stewardship upon different species of male and female so as to be able to multiply again after the flood.
Joseph - Stewardship of Potiphar's land and its resources.
Moses - Stewardship for the promised land.

Obstacles in stewardship :

  • The belief that 'the world is not my home' which is correct but not in substance with the word of God.
  • The belief that admiration and obsession of the world and creation means idolizing them like Pantheism. This is more of a delusion to abscond from the the realities of the Truth.
  • A nonconformist to the idea of mass mobilization.
  • Playing safe. Having a radical idea of being an extremist which is contrary to being spiritual.

Needs of a good stewardship :

Awareness: Understanding of the environment leads to empathy and empathy leads to sustained use of natural resource.
Appreciation: Appreciation of our environment is an admiration to the creator.
Responsible: Responsibility to the cause and providing a solution is the criteria for a good steward.

The following are Environmental concerns for Present and Future:

  • Population Growth
  • Climate change
  • Species extinction
  • Pollution

Concluding remarks :

Gen. 2:15
Our worship to God embodies our action with His creation. Our environment is our Garden of Eden.

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