Sunday Worship | July 23, 2017 | 02:00 pm
Brief Report of Sunday Evening Program (23.07.2017)
It is a Holy Communion Service presided by Pastor Biakson. While greeting and welcoming the gathering the Pastor said that such a time as this is only by the grace of God alone and one should not take for granted, rather should strive to make the best use of it. He then read the Scripture I Corinthians 1:18.
The following songs were sung during the Service, led by the Worship Team:-
- Tua Sisan
- Lead me to Calvary
- On a hill rugged Cross
- Itna Thuukpen
Dedication of various offerings including Tithe, Sunday Contributions etc is done by Elder Chinshum.
Before embarking on the task of organizing the Holy Communion Service, the Pastor delivered a Sermon on the theme “The Message of the Cross”
A Cross for the world may simply mean a wooden structure consisting of an upright post with a transverse piece. For some it is the place where only the condemned and criminals were left to die, where there is crucifixion which is considered to be the most shameful and disgraceful way to die. But, according to William Barclay and of course the Christian the Cross meant the following:-
- It is the fulfillment of God’s Promise/Fulfillment of the Scriptures.
- Fulfillment of the prophecies of the Prophet.
- It is about the Life, Death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ.
- The story of the Second Coming of Jesus Christ to receive His righteous people.
The Cross, for the perishing, shall mean foolishness. But for those who are being saved, it is the power of God for our justification, sanctification and glorification. Cross can help us to start our life all over again. In fact, it is because of the promise of the Cross that we have come together here to praise and worship His name.
Significance of the Lord’s Supper:
The Pastor, after reading from the Scripture (I Corinthians 11:23-27) mentioned the following significance of conducting Holy Communion from time to time:-
- It is in remembrance of Jesus who died on the Cross for us.
- To proclaim in all our walks of life that Jesus died for us.
The Pastor, while mentioning the above significance in conducting Holy Communion, reiterated that we should not do it in an unworthy manner, for in doing so we will be guilty of sinning against the body and blood of the Lord. Sometimes we act in a way which most pleases us, and went astray from the ways of the Lord seeking happiness and self contentment and find none. Nevertheless, He still loves us.
George Barnard was inspired to write the song “The Old Rugged Cross” in response to ridicule that he had received at a revival meeting in Michigan, USA in 1912. The Pastor exhort everyone in attendance, despite rejection and sneering, to re-dedicate our lives for Jesus, to cherish and cling on to the Cross, to ever be true to the Cross, gladly bear the shame and reproach until someday He call us to our heavenly home where we will share His glory forever.
Pastor closed the Service by benediction.
Content Writer
Goulian Vualzong.