Worship service - 28 August 2016

1 September, 2016

Sunday evening worship commence at 3pm
    Singspiration led by worship team
    Pastoral prayer by Pastor N. Tuang lang
    Sermon by Pastor  N. Tuang lang
    Benediction by Upa Damsomthang

Sermon topic -  Rebuilding righteousness in our career or occupation and job or work

Bible verse -

  1. 2Corinthians 5:21 -  For he hath made him to be sin for us,who knew no sin, that we might be made the righteousness of God in him
  2. 1John 3:10 -  In this the children of God are manifest ant the children of the devil; who soever doeth not righteousness is not of Go, neither he that loveth not his brother
  3. 1Peter 3:10 -  For the eyes of the lord are over the righteous, and his ears are open unto their their prayers, but the face of the lord is against them that do evil
  4. Genesis 39:9 -  How then can i do this great wickedness and sin against God

Pastor based his sermon on these verses and gave a redeeming speech on the insights of righteousness.
Righteousness as he explain is not a picture to be seen or touch but can be expressed and felt through us. As he continues and speak about it, he mention that we are all incapable of being righteous in our day to day life, while we knowingly stray away from it let us ask the Lord for his holy spirit to come upon us so we can do better. what is important is that our Lord has compared righteousness to his son that if a man accept him as saviour and choose to follow him in his righteousness he will be righteous before him.

A) Righteousness in our career or job

  1. how do your colleague see you as, at your work/office
    Matthew 5:13-16 how do they see you when they look at you, the way you dress, act or behave, do your picture show that light of God to be seen by others .
  2. how do they know you as a person
  3. what do you have to offer in return to the one who has given you you job
    do you offer tithe, did you gracefully offer your thanks to the Lord, what have you done for him ?

B) Righteousness at our work - work includes everything everyone does , from a child to a father , a student to a job life

  1. are you righteous to your career or studies
    do you study sincerely even if your parents are not there to watch you over or do you just go by looking on others
  2. are you righteous managing/taking care of your wealth (children)
    Sam 117:3
  3. are you righteous doing your house chores or daily housing work
  4. are you righteous at your work in building the kingdom of God or in serving the Lord

C) Righteous act or work does not go in vain

  1. blessed are they which do hunger and thirst after righteousness, for they shall be filled (Matthew 5:6)
  2. who will render to every man according to his deed.
    to them who by patient continuance in well doing eek for glory and honour and immortality, eternal life (Romans 2:6-7)
  3. and, behold, i come quickly, and my reward is with me, to give every an according as his work shall be (Revelation 22:12

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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