Workshop on "Urban Missions" | August 10, 2019 | 10 AM

16 August, 2019

~ Rev (Dr) Ginnei Thang Ngaihte

Urban mission is a concept that is new to our church, a path we have not trodden before. It is not something that happens accidentally or what we want to do. Rather, it’s God’s plan which we cannot avoid. It is full of challenges and opportunities. It may be a big and daunting task but God will lead us. We need lots of prayer in this regard. We have to tread carefully just as God told the Israelite while they were in the wilderness, to be careful as they were going to a land they know not.

 In missions, we can’t go wherever we want and do whatever work we like. The Holy Spirit is constantly moving and it is important to move with the flow. No matter how we prepare or do God’s works, once it passed us, it will be gone.

 There are two things to know in urban missions. One is that each city has its own personality. The other is pathology or sickness, sinfulness of a city. To work in urban cities requires preparation. We should not be afraid but rather draw on the strength and power of God. In the context of Delhi, the church members knows the city better and are the best people to work here. Working as a missionary will not be easy but God can use who He wants. We need to have the right attitude. Do we say, `It’s beyond me or it’s not for me?’ A change of mindset is required. We need to say, `I can do it and it’s for me’.

Biblical concept of urban city missions

1.     There is a divine concern for urban city missions (Jonah 4:11). In Luke 19:41-49, we found how Jesus wept over the city of Jerusalem.

2.     Paul’s mission strategy was to go to cities (Acts 13:28) He went to strategic cities passing through them two or three times. Though he had concern for smaller towns and villages, he knew the cities would become instrument of God’s work for spreading the Gospel even when he was not there.

3.     Urban mission is linked to our future hope and destination, the eternal city which we cannot see, imagine or speak of, made by God for us revealing His love and everlasting work.

 In the 21st century, God’s plan for missions is to go to cities and this is something that we cannot close our eyes to.

Urban mission is strategic

Population in urban cities is growing with the migration of people including educated youths to the cities. People from diverse backgrounds have come to cities or made their homes there. There is no dearth of people with talents and resources who can become missionaries or send out missionaries. For the purpose of spreading the Gospel, cities are strategic. The believers living in urban cities are already in the mission field.

The Missiological concept of urban city missions

1. Frontiers are moving: As more and more people migrate to cities, mission frontiers are also moving as the Gospel has to reach people.

2. Mission strategic location (Ezekiel 5:5, Acts 17:26): Jesus was born in the Middle East and  the places where the Israelite lived was described as international highway for the Gospel by Missiologists. The Gospel spread from Asia Minor, Europe and Africa. God has not only chosen the nation of Israel but placed them in a strategic location, in the centre of the nations with countries all around her, for His purpose. 

3. Potential Strategy for world missions: As mission frontiers are moving, urban cities have become strategic. For world missions, cities are indispensable.

Delhi has a great potential for urban missions. It is important and strategic. The fact that there are so many believers living and working in important offices in Delhi is not without reason. We are not here due to our own ability, capability, strength or intelligence. God has placed us here to fulfill His plan.

In Asia, there are 18 countries termed by Missiologists as 50:50 windows. Constituting 53% of the world’s population, 91% do not know Christ. Delhi and the North East are located in the middle. This means that we don’t have to go to far off mission fields to preach the Gospel. Why is 99% of us Christians? Why so many of us are living in Delhi? Why did God raise us up so high? The reason may be that urban mission is God’s plan for us.

God works according to the place and time. It has become difficult for the western missionaries to reach Asia. Their physical appearance is different and they are also viewed with suspicion. The doors of mission work are closing fast. Western missionaries to India, China and Japan are being driven back. The churches in the west are also suffering from low membership and fund crunch.  On the other hand, the number of Christians grew by more than 300 % in East Asia. The number of missionaries is also growing. This is a good opportunity for us. God wants to use us. The Holy Spirit is moving in our direction. This is our time for missions work.

Brief Sharing by Rev Kamchinkhup on Rural and Urban Missions by EBC:

EBC has mission fields in Manipur, Dhemaji, Nepal and Diphu (Karbi Anglong). No urban mission has been started yet. It is in the policy of EBC to take a step towards urban areas without leaving the rural areas completely. The first consultation towards urban missions is now taking place in EBCC Delhi where we have the only Mission centre. It must have been in God’s timeline, a historical event may be, and the guidance of the Holy Spirit on how things will move from here will be very important. Once we are ready and committed, we can take steps for imparting of skills etc.

When we think about urban missions, we are overwhelmed. Our church has not ventured into cities for spreading the Gospel so far. There is a question in our minds, `Can we really do the work? We don’t have the resources and the skills’. But we have to know that if it is what God wants, it will happen.

Who is a missionary?

The name `missionary’ is not important. God will not deem you a missionary because you bear the name or are paid by the church. Every believer is a missionary of God whether we are in Government service, in the armed forces, a home maker or in whatever work we are doing. So, we should have a missionary mindset and treat everyone we are involved with accordingly. God wants to use us and the position we are in for His work.

 There are so many opportunities to preach the Gospel. The face of missions has changed as well as the role of a missionary. There are so many people who don’t want to bear the name of missionary but are doing God’s work.  If we remain faithful, our words and actions, however small can be used by God to change someone.

There is a need to change the structure of our church in order to focus on urban missions. We are highly centralised. The administration of city churches has to be different from that of smaller towns and villages. With God’s guidance, we need to identify what work He wants us to do and how to go about it. The starting point would be to change the whole church into a mission oriented church. Consultation among our leaders is required in this regard.

On our part, let us all be able to say `God has put me in the place where I am because He wants me to carry out His plan’.  

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