Weekday Worship Service | November 27, 2019 | 7:30 PM
~ Pastor T. Chinkhansuan
Pastor greets the congregants in the name of Jesus Christ and expresses his gratitude on being given the opportunity to share the word of God. The Pastor’s speech revolves around the topic ‘Trusting in the Lord’ and reads portions of the Bible from Psalms 139:13-16, Jeremiah 33:1-3, Romans 8:22, John 11:11 and Ezekiel 37:1.
His son, Master Lalmuan, an infant, is having a hole in his heart and needed an open heart surgery. The defect in his heart was detected when he was about only 10 days old. They felt they could not even afford to have hope for Lalmuan’s treatment to such a place like Delhi. Yet, God enables them. The open heart surgery was a success and the doctor advises them to report for medical check-up again after three months from now.
It is his conviction that only God alone is Lalmuan’s healer, neither AIIMS nor any other places. Difficulties and hardships that we met in our lives are permitted by God. He allows those things to happen to us for our own betterment.
We should not undermine the tenderness of our Pastors. They are anointed to administer God’s works. Whenever we face problems in life we should approach them and try to benefit from them. There is a concern about children and youths of our society in general. However, as I see them attending the Church services regularly I am very satisfied.
In spite of your busy schedules, you have made a point to attend the Church services. God knows your labour and devotion to Him. He specially made human beings with His own hands. Other creatures are created by commanding alone. God knows us wholly; even the tiny organs within us are known by Him thoroughly. The absence or meager addition in our body parts can create lots of problems to us. We are fearfully and wonderfully created by God.
God cares for us. At times we may get confuse and doubt Him. But He has a plan for us and desires the best for us. My son’s illness gives me lots of experiences on the importance of trusting in God. We want instantaneous healing but sometimes God allows our illness to drag on for us to learn how to completely trust in Him. Several years ago I was posted in a faraway village. I was called to pray for a woman who was caught in the process of delivering a new born baby. God manifests his trustworthiness as we prayed to Him.
God has also introduced Himself to prophet Jeremiah, St. Paul and other Biblical figures in times of their sufferings. Our deformities and other complaints can prove to be for our own good at times. How fortunate we are to have such a mighty God! If we can do everything on our own, we may be tempted to feel like we do not need him. God permits difficulties to happen to us so that He can mould us to be a better person. Let us ponder whether we truly trust in the Lord.