Weekday Worship Service | January 29, 2020 | 7:30 PM
Missions Oriented Thought
~ Evan. Thangbiakmuan, WEC
First of all, I thank the Lord for giving me this opportunity. I really appreciate the church conducting this weekday service for those who are unable to attend the Sunday service and I’m happy to be a part of this. We as Christians, our sense of direction should be based on the Bible.
Christian Missions – Responsibility given by the Lord Jesus Christ to spread the word to gospel.
Mission - To complete an assigned task.
Now, who and what kind of people will complete this task? Only those who are redeemed can only work on this mission (Isaiah 59:1-2) If we are sinners, whatever good we do, how much we do, will never be pleasing in the eyes of the Lord.
People of Antioch were the first to be called Christians (Acts 11:16). Rather than you telling others that you’re a Christian, people should be able to label you as a Christian. You are the light, the salt and you should let your light shine. The Lord calls on us individually.
It is God’s plan for the redeemed to complete the task of the mission. It is no longer our choice, whether we are up for it or not. We won’t be able to please God through our own effort of worship or hard work, but it is only by His salvation that we can please Him. (Ephesians 2:10; Ephesians 2:8-9)
For the redeemed, there is only one task assigned and that is to work for the missions. You are entrusted to work for this mission (Matthew 28:18-20) If the disciples haven’t spread, lived and died for the missions, there won’t be this many Christians that we are today.
God doesn’t necessarily call you to be a full time mission worker. We can all contribute towards the mission in our own personal way, be it at work, school, colleges or at home, by our way of day to day interaction with others.
For those who truly received the mercy of the Lord, mission is a must. Only when you think of His mercy, that you can truly realize this mission. Even the Lord Jesus Christ asked the cup to pass, but then left the final decision in Him. (2 Corinthians 5:14-15)
We all have accountability on what is assigned to us individually by the Lord. We should not compare ourselves with others as what is expected from them may not be the same as what is expected from you. All Christians are missionaries. You are either a fish or fishers of men.
Only are the disciples who can carry out the witness (Mark 3:14). Jesus called on the disciples to be always with Him and to spread the Gospel. To put it simply, vertically be with God and horizontally spread the Gospel. Be the bridge between God and the non-believers. You can either Pray, Send or Go.