The Wonder And Beauty Of Christmas
With the chills in the air and Christmas round the corner, there is sensitivity in the heart, a tenderness that wells up, an invigorating sense of wonder, beauty and joy at what Christmas truly means. Its beauty is felt in the heart and soul and experienced in the joy and peace within which leaves one richly blessed. It is the most beautiful story ever, the unsurpassed gift given to mankind revealing the heart and love of God. The coming of Jesus Christ, the son of the one true God to redeem the soul of man is beautiful and wondrous beyond the wildest imagination.
A wondrous star with beauty bright proclaimed the birth of a glorious king. No wonder the wise men from the East recognised the star and came searching for the king. It is another story that they believed He would be born in a palace. But how could even the wisest men in the world know that Jesus would humble himself to be born in a manger and later on, die a terrible death at the hands of mankind on the cross? How could they comprehend the love of God behind this wondrous story with mere knowledge? To know His love is to experience it and to experience it is to truly live out the experience.
I sometimes wonder how it must have felt to behold the glory of God that shone around the shepherds that first Christmas night. It must have been wondrous and beautiful beyond measure. At the same time, it would be frightening to be in the radiance of the One who is light and so pure and holy. The Heavenly host praising God, `Glory to God in the Highest and on earth peace, good will toward men’ must have stirred every hearts with holy fire.
How wondrous it must have been to behold the baby Jesus lying in a manger. How humbling it would have been to be in the presence of the One who is the reason for my being and who gave me eternal life. O to gaze in wonder at the wonder and beauty of it all! It would have been cleansing to the soul to look upon the personification of the purest love. To see my saviour face to face on this earth would be the most fulfilling thing till the time I see him face to face in Heaven.
I think about Mary and Joseph holding in their arms the One who created them and engraved them on the palms of His hands. How wonderful for Mary and Joseph to be entrusted to take care of the needs of the One who met their every needs.
The Christmas story is wondrous and beautiful in every detail. It is God’s love story for mankind. God is love and He loves us unconditionally. For the redemption of mankind, Jesus was born in a manger as a mere human being. Later on, He bore our sins on the cross and endured the agony of separation from His father bridging the gulf that sin created between us and God.
When I think about the love of God, I can only marvel at the wonder and beauty of it all. My finite mind cannot fully comprehend how much and why He loves me so much.
The wonder and beauty of Christmas is the unending love of God for you and me. May the love of God reflect in our lives. May we love one another as He loves each of us.