Sunday Worship Service | Pastor G Khankham | 04 October 2020
#The service was opened and led by the Worship Team with recitation of Psalm 125: 1-5 by everyone in attendance, a prayer and the following worship songs:
1. Nang toh ton a pai ka ut hi
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2. Toupa aw kei hong leen in
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#Offertory prayer for offerings and tithes was done by Elder Khamkhanpau followed by prayers for the church and the pupil for the month of October by Pastor Thuamminlian Guite.
#Special Item/Bible Verse (Psalm 103: 8-14) by Baptist Children Department
1. Chinsuanmung, Primary A
2. Lydia Ngaimalsawm, Primary B
Sermon by Pastor G Khankham
Theme for October: Faithful Steward
a) I Corinthians 4:2; Isiah 66:15 and Psalm 121:4 echoes the sentiments of the theme.
b) Taking example from the Lord's Covenant with Abraham in Genesis 15, we must be mindful of not letting our guards down as Stewards and do not fall prey to evil ways which can harm the church, our families as well our future generations.
c) If you're battling something and can't share the burden with your family or friends, turn to the Lord and leave it all on him.
He'll keep you safe just like he saved the Israelites when was striking down the Egyptians. Exodus 12:23
d) When Moses and the Israelites were stuck between the sea and Pharaoh’s men, God led his people across the Red Sea into a safe land. He gave them water when they cried for it.
The Lord may take time but never leaves his people astray. We have to keep our faith alive.
e) It is not enough to just cry out to God for help. He wants us to take charge and initiate while keeping the Lord in our minds.