Sunday Worship Service | May 19, 2019 | 11 AM

20 May, 2019

Sunday School Lessons 7 & 8 (Acts 15:36–16:40)
by Pastor Thuamminlian 


After completing his work in Jerusalem, Paul sets out for his second Missionary journey. Around this time, Paul is no longer accompanied by Barnabas but by Silas and Timothy. God leads Paul to Macedonia by closing other doors. 

A.  Division between Paul and Barnabas over John Mark (Acts 16:1-5)
While planning their onward journey, Paul and Barnabas developed disagreement over John, called Mark. Barnabas was determined to take Mark along but Paul, on the other hand, was still upset that Mark departed from them in Perga, Pamphylia and did not carry on with the work of God (as seen in Acts 13:13). The contention led Paul and Barnabas to part ways. Barnabas took Mark with him to Cyprus via sea route while Paul chose Silas, being commended by the brethren to the grace of God, and left for Syria and Cicilia. 

B. Commencement of second Missionary Jouney: Towards Southern Galatia (Acts 16:6-10)
Paul and Silas reached Derbe and Lystra where they met Timothy, whose mother was Jewish. Because it was known that Timothy's father was a Greek, Paul got  him circumcised to be able to take him along and together, they travelled through cities delivering the decrees of the apostles and elders at Jerusalem which helped strengthen and multiply the churches. 

C. The Macedonian Call
The Holy spirit forbid them to Preach in Asia (western part of present day Turkey) so through Mysia, they planned to head to Bithynia but again, the spirit did not permit them so they turned back and through Mysia and re-routed towards Troas. Paul had a vision of a man pleading him to come to Macedonia and help the people. Following the vision, they set out for Macedonia. In 16:10, Dr Luke subtly mentions his presence when he writes "...immediately we sought to go to Macedonia...".

D. From Traos towards Philippi (Acts 16:11-12)
From Traos, Paul, Silas and Luke sailed their way through Samothrace and Neapolis to reach Philippi. 

Lessons Learned: 
Paul paid close attention to his visions and let God lead him to where he should and should not preach even when it meant re-routing or re-planning everything altogether.


Following his vision in Macedonia, Paul along with Silas enter Philippi, bringing in the words of The Lord. They come in the way of some profit making masters which leads to their imprisonment but they turn the jail into a place of worship, miracles and transformation.

A. Lydia Baptized at Philippi (Acts 16:13-15)
When in new places, Paul begins his preachings in synagogues but because there was no synagogue in Philippi, they went to a riverside where they believed prayers were held. They met some women who seemed God fearing and began their preachings. 

Later, a woman named Lydia became the first in the city to be blessed by The Lord to open her heart to Paul's preachings. After she and her family were baptized, she persuaded them to stay at her house.

B. Paul's exorcism (Acts 16:16-18)
A fortune-telling girl, who brought profits to her masters, was possessed by a spirit of divination. She was irritating Paul by calling them the servants of "the Most High God". It resulted in Paul commanding the spirit to "come out of the girl in the name of Jesus Christ". 

C. Paul and Silas imprisoned (Acts 16:19-24)
Paul's exorcism infuriated the girl's masters who had lost hope of making profits so they took them to the magistrate, accusing them of being Jews and a trouble to the city. The magistrates tore their clothes, beat them up with rods and threw them into prison.

D. Earthquake at midnight: The Philippian Jailer saved (Acts 16:25-34)
It was midnight, the prisoners were listening to Paul and Silas praying and singing hymns when a sudden intense earthquake shook the prison to it's foundation. The doors were open and everyone's chains were loosed. Seeing the doors open, the Jailer supposed the prisoners had fled and contemplated killing himself to avoid capital punishment but Paul assured that he was still inside and so were the other inmates. The Jailer grabbed his light and found everything Paul said to be true. Paul and Silas and their influence on the inmates leaves the Jailer a changed man. He asked Paul what he can do to be saved to which Paul replied, "believe on the Lord Jesus Christ, and you and your household will be saved" (16:31). The Jailer and his family listened to the word of the Lord and were baptised at his home. 

E. Paul and Silas Depart from Philippi (Acts 16:35-40)
Paul refused to leave the jail on the magistrates' order saying they had been unlawful to Romans and demanded to be set free by them. Upon realising they were citizens of Rome, the magistrates became fearful and pleaded with them to leave the prison and to depart from the city. Paul and Silas went to Lydia's house and left after seeing the brethren.

Lessons Learned:
1. Paul and Silas were so steadfast in their faith during imprisonment that they were able to transform the other inmates and the Jailer through the word of The Lord.
2.  Paul did not need any approval from the people but only from The Lord Jesus Christ.

DEW | May 19, 2019   Photo gallery   Sermon audio    Sermon video

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