Sunday Worship Service | May 10, 2020 (Online Sermon)
With the rise on falling birth rates reported over the past years, the concept of abstaining from procreation has its roots (in our social context) in the attempt to come to grips the reality of future orientation with the new sense of time. The reasoned varies - economic hardened, over population, biblical literalism (grossly inaccurate), selfish personal issue/motive.
Glorifying motherhood is part and parcel of God's unmerited blessings. The first blessing mentioned in the bible was about "procreation". So, to consider the apt package compounding with child birth is highly to look upon earthly things. Barrenness is consider a curse scripted evidently in the bible like the story of Hannah and Rachel. Blessed with the privileged position of tasking the upbringing of family to more spiritual maturity, woman are to continue imbibing in faith, love and holiness with self-control in the path of her salvation.
The pressure mounting against procreation may looks convincing in our present modern operated system, promoting an illusion that "the lesser the better", we must take undue care in looking the world through the lens of the Bible. Taking discretional choice in this matter is an utter ignorance of the word of God.
Happy Mother's day.
Bible reference : Col. 3:1-4, I Cor. 10:31, Phil. 3:39, Gen. 1:28, I Sam 1:6, Sam 127:3, I Tim. 2:12-15, Gen. 30:1-2