Sunday Worship Service | July 28, 2019 | 11 AM
SUNDAY SCHOOL (Acts 18:1-22, Lesson 10)
~ Pastor Biakson
Memory Verse: Acts 18:6
Paul arrived in the city of Corinth in Achaia from Athens. Situated more than 50 miles from Athens, the city of Corinth had a population of 6,50,000. It was a commercial centre with two harbours and had a reputation for hedonism and sexual immorality. The worship of Aphrodite (the goddess of fertility and sexuality) was popular.
It was not a fertile soil for the Gospel but Paul considered it a great challenge and a good opportunity for his Ministry. Hence Paul’s work became a blessing to the Corinthians and to the church even today.
Paul met Aquila and Priscilla who came to Corinth as a result of the command given by the Roman Emperor Claudius for all the Jews to depart from Rome. Having the same occupation i,e tent making he stayed and worked with them while preaching the Gospel. The concept of Tent making Ministry wherein a missionary supports himself in the mission field by practising a trade had its origin here.
In Corinth, Paul reasoned (discussed and debated) in the Synagogue every Sabbath and persuaded both the Jews and Greeks. But the Jews opposed and blasphemed him. Paul then shook his garments and said to them, ``Your blood be upon your own heads; I am clean. From now on I will go to the Gentiles’’.
Paul began his Ministry among the Gentiles in the house of Justus, whose house was next door to the Synagogue. Crispus, the ruler of the Synagogue believed on the Lord with his entire household. In this way, God not only open the door but overcome the opposition for the Christians. Many of the Corinthians also believed and were baptised.
Paul continued to face opposition from the Jews. But the Lord encouraged Paul through a vision in the night telling him not to be afraid and that He is with him. As per God’s plan, Paul spent one and half years, founded a church and wrote the First and Second Epistles to the Thessalonians.
The Jews rose up in one accord against Paul and brought him before Gallio, proconsul of Achaia. They accused him of persuading men to worship God contrary to the law. Before Paul could speak, Gallio told the Jews that he won’t pass any judgement as it was regarding religious matters and drove them away. When the Greeks beat up Sosthenes, the ruler of the synagogue, he took no notice. The actions of Gallio gave a certain amount of freedom to the Christians in preaching Christ.
After staying in Corinth for a good while, Paul started on his return journey. He cut off his hair at Cenchrea as a fulfillment of his vow. From Cenchrea, he sailed for Syria taking Aquila and Priscilla with him. When they came to Ephesus, Paul entered the synagogue and reasoned with the Jews. He was asked to stay a longer time with them but Paul told them that he would return to them, if God willing. Then leaving Aquila and Priscilla behind, Paul sailed to Caesarea. He went to Jerusalem and greeted the church. Afterwards, he returned to Antioch in Syria concluding his Second missionary journey.
1. The city of Corinth is famous for sexual immorality. The Gospel also faced stiff opposition from the Jews. But that didn’t stop the Gospel from going there. It has no partiality. The love of God reaches everywhere. And God can change the worst to something beautiful, including our lives.
2. Paul faced stiff opposition from the Jews but God opened the door. He works in mysterious ways. God can remove any obstacle we face. He can open all doors. As it is written in Joshua 1:3, ``I will give you every place where you set your foot, as I promised Moses’’, God paved the way for Paul when he set foot in Corinth.
3. Paul’s ministry in Corinth with Aquila and Priscilla i,e tent making by occupation and preaching the word of God is the new phase of missions movement. We can practice our own profession and at the same time, be a witness to non believers.
4. Paul has many fellow workers and the church behind his back. He might not have worked full time but he had people working overtime with him. This is the secret of his success. Every believer has a role to play in missions.
5. When the Ephesians asked Paul to stay with them a longer time, he told them that if God wills, he would return. He was led by the Holy Spirit. We should also allow ourselves to be led and controlled by the Holy Spirit.