Sunday Worship Service | February 2, 2020 | 2 PM
Introduction of Romans
~ Pastor Thuamminlian Guite
Verses: Romans 1:16; Romans 1:14; Romans 1:21.
History of Salvation
God has chosen the Israelis, the Jews as His people. God planned to spread the gospel through them, but they became proud that they are the chosen one and they instead despise the gentiles, and did not fulfil God's plan to spread the gospel. The Jews themselves started to break their covenant with God and they were brought to slave under the Babylonians for 70 years. Then, they came back to Jerusalem, God still showed His love for them. God gave them a chance and sent Jesus to the Jews. The Jewish did not like Jesus and rejected him and it is a privilege for the gentiles.
Introduction of Romans
Rome city began around BC 753. It was called a city on seven hills. It was believed that Christianity was started by the people who came together from different places when Pentecost took place (Acts 2). Some believed that during Paul’s second missionary, his first visit to Europe, the first believer at Philippi named Lydia, through her the church was planted. Or through the couple Priscila and Aquila, church planting has started in Rome. From Romans 1:1 we can see that Paul was the sender, but it was written by his assistant Tertia and was sent from Corinth.
Paul has introduced himself as the slave of Jesus Christ, his humbleness is seen in how he introduced himself. If we look at the life of Paul, he is quite aggressive in his initial Christian life, and if we see his first letter, he is quite aggressive. But as he worked for the Lord more and more, he became more and more humble. This is true for us as well, the closer we are to God the humbler we become.
Paul has talked about gospel, it was foretold in the old testament, which is Jesus born physically from the descendants of David, who died and rose again from the death, for all of us, that is the only gospel. Paul really wanted to go to the people of Rome during that time, but it was not possible. He prayed that he could go to Rome and spread the gospel. Rome was a big city, he was not ashamed to go there and preach, because there is a miracle in salvation. He did not mind if he goes to jail because of the gospel. Like Paul, we should not be ashamed of the gospel even though we may be in big cities.
God’s Righteousness
Gospel is so powerful that it has the power to justify the convicted. Paul has clearly known the gospel that it sends him into mission, which triggers him to go to Rome also. Martin Luther was a university scholar, and he got confused about God’s righteousness. He was so confused about it, so he studied the book of Rome and he found out that God’s righteousness is not the attributes of him, but it was availed by those who got justified through salvation. Romans 1:17. He got salvation from that verse as well.
As we can see from Genesis 38:26, Juda said that his daughter-in-law Tamar was righteous, though she acts as a prostitute, she got what she deserved. The righteousness concept is not about how the society thinks may be right, but it is getting what ones deserve. We are created in God’s image, that is why He loves us so much that he created ways for our salvation. When we disobey God, His image has been distorted, it is His work to restore, that is His righteousness.
Natural revelation and the condemnation of the unrighteous
If we look around, we can see God’s creation all around us. He revealed naturally to each one of us. We are born with the thought that there is some superbeing who is greater than all of us. Even those who haven’t heard the gospel also knew that, there is someone who is greater than everyone. It was kept by God in us. But there are people who choose to ignore all of these. On judgement day, no one would be able to escape from God’s judgement. No one would be able to say that I haven’t heard the gospel, as the revelation of God is clear all around us. There are people who still choose to ignore God’s revelation around us. God turned his back to these people. God loved us and wanted all of us to be saved, but he left
us with our own choice, to receive his grace or not. There are people who choose to be homosexual, ignoring God’s love, God turned his back to them, he did not want what they are doing, but he still loves them. Even then, they still will not go to His kingdom until they did not have salvation. God condemned their sins, and left them with the choice.There are three kinds of people God turned his back to: those who allow to dirty their body with gluttony, homosexually, and those who don’t want to obey Him and try to do whatever God hated and even encouraging others to do the same.
God loves everyone and is ready to accept them if they come back to God, but we cannot encourage people who have done filthy things. Our God is holy and righteous, let us try to follow him fundamentally. What He said in the bible is right and let us try not to alter what.