Sunday Worship Service | December 22, 2019 | 2 PM
Holy Communion : Speaker: Pastor Thuamminlian Guite
Key verses: John 3:16; Romans 3:23; Romans 5:6; Genesis 1:26; Hebrews 9:12
John 3: 16 is one of the most popular verses among Christians and is in fact the Bible verse from which most people become born-again. It is also one of the most explanatory of all verses about God's love for the whole world of sinners, that He gave his only begotten son as a ransom for their sins, to the extent of all wrath and judgement for all sins upon him: Jesus Christ.
God sent his one and only son to be born as a human being, exactly as those he would save. Jesus went through all hardships since His birth and finally at the cross, was punished for the sin of the whole world, he was whipped and struck to a pulp beyond what the human mind can think and imagine.
A question worth asking is; what man that we should be loved to such an extent that the Lord almighty would give up His only Son to suffer and die in such a way? What worth do we even have to be loved so deeply by the almighty God?
It is indeed worth reasoning when we think of how much we have sinned and how undeserving we are of His love, as seen in Romans 3:23.
While we go astray like a lamb, carried away by our wants and desires, why should God send His only dear Son to go through all these suffering and pain?
In Romans 5:6, the Apostle Paul has said that Christ died at the right time for us.
The answer to all these questions is that: we have been created in the likeness of God: Genesis 1:26. Of all creation, God loves man the most. Even plants, animals, land, water, etc. and the angels have been created by God, yet even when Lucifer sinned against God, He did not make a way for them to be saved. As man had been created in the likeness of God, this image was shattered and the relationship man had with God was irretrievable. Therefore, God sending his son to save us, to restore the fallen plight of man is God restoring his deformed image and honour, that is in the man that He had created with his own image. This shows that he loves us as much as He loves himself and we are so precious to him. The fact that He gave his son to be born and to die for us, is the best revelation of His love for us.
While we partake of the Holy Communion, it would be best to ponder on God's undeserving love for us, in restoring our fallen plight. Jesus had decided to take the Last Supper with his clueless disciples at a quiet place knowing that it was his last hour. In Luke 22:19, Jesus said that the bread and wine signify his flesh and blood which is to be broken down and shed for the whole world; which is eternal – once and for all against the Israelite custom of animal sacrifice as a yearly ransom for sin: Hebrews 9:12. Jesus's sacrifice on the cross marks the New Covenant replacing the Old Covenant.
While partaking of the Holy Communion, one should do it as remembrance of Jesus's sacrifice as well as being a witness for our Lord Jesus Christ. The Holy Communion should therefore be taken with great caution and respect by being aware that it is solely because of God's love for us, whom he had created in his own image and likeness. A heart of gratitude and awareness of the restored identity in Him, through the priceless sacrifice of Jesus would bring a pleasant aroma of glory and honour to God.