Sunday Worship Service | January 05, 2020 | 11 AM
STEWARDSHIP [Genesis 1 & 2]
~ Pastor Thuamminlian
Genesis 1:1-2 talks about the creation of heavens and earth by God. It establishes the fact that God is pre-existing and He created the universe. God created the world and we are the steward of His creation. On the first day he created light and darkness. On the second day he created the sky and everything below it. And on the third day oceans and land were created. On the fourth day, he created moon, stars and sun. On the fifth day, he filled the water with fish and permeated the sky with birds. On the sixth day he created species for the land. Humans are also created on the sixth day. And on the seventh day he rested. He created time and everything in the universe. He exists outside of time. He created humans in the likeness of Him. No other living thing is created in the likeness of God. Genesis 2 puts Adam in Garden of Eden. What is the kind of steward role Adam was given at this time? It cannot be called worship of priestly work. He was there to look after and guard the Garden of Eden. The role of stewardship in this case is similar to priestly work in the book of Leviticus and Deuteronomy.
Stewardship is worship to God. It is used interchangeably with the priestly work. While Adam in a steward for God in the Garden of Eden It is worth pondering over where are you put to do stewardship to God? While Adam and Eve should have been ruling over the animals they allowed themselves to be tempted by an animal. And that’s when sin entered the world. They do not take stewardship seriously when God tell them clearly to rule and look after the world. This neglect of stewardship in prominent in our everyday life whether it is handling businesses or in our relationship with fellow human. God doesn’t create Adam to just relax and eat the fruits of Garden. The main role of looking after the garden was the main duty given by God. They failed in their responsibility and the entire generation has suffered because of it. God has given us responsibility and we should take stewardship seriously. We should not neglect it as the consequence can be passed across generations. On which Garden are you a steward for God? Is it in our Offices? Or is it in our Colleges? God doesn’t want you to worry about other garden. Focus on your garden first and be diligent in your stewardship.