Sunday Worship Service 31.1.2016
Pastor Biakson initiated the worship service with introductory speech, scripture reading and prayer followed by praise and worship.
11.00 AM Service
Offertory Prayer: Upa Chinsum
Induction Ceremony: TBSUC Assistant Secretary
Special number: Kishangarh Prayer Cell
Benediction: Upa Tuanmuanthang
3.00 PM Service
Offertory Prayer: Upa Khamkhanpau
Induction Ceremony: TBSUC Assistant Secretary
Benediction: Upa Kamsuanthang
Summary of the Pastor’s sermon on the topic “Christ’s faithful witness” - [John 1:19-51]
God wants us to be faithful witnesses and proclaim Him in this earth. That may have been the reason why He has not taken us immediately to Heaven after saving us. We can study how to witness Christ from the testimony of the following:
1. The testimony of John the Baptist:
- His life and works have people interested – He was sent by God and was clear in his mission to proclaim the coming of Christ due to which he kept himself apart from other things.
- His humility magnified/glorified Christ – While he could be regarded in high esteem and glorified by the people, John the Baptist referred people to Christ disregarding himself.
2. The testimony of Andrew:
- He has been in training to be a successful witness – He had been faithfully following John the Baptist until he saw Jesus Christ and instantly followed Him. He immediately informed and brought his brother Peter at Jesus’ feet.
3. The testimony of Phillip:
- He was discovered and called by Jesus Christ – Phillip has been intently studying Jesus Christ and he immediately followed Jesus Christ when called upon by Him.
- Since becoming Christ’s follower, Phillip first and foremost informed his friend Nathanael about Jesus Christ. Prior to Phillip's invitation to witness, Jesus was not personally accepted by Nathanael. Eventually however, he was with Christ.
We are the letters of Christ. People firstly look into our lives and works and what they saw in us will prompt them to become interested and want to know more about Jesus. As faithful witnesses of Christ, we ought to show Christ-likeness in our lives through humility and compassion and we can influence our family, friends and others to have the desire to know more about Jesus. Jesus Christ approached those who have been searching for Him and made faithful witnesses of them.
Inputs by: S.Lianlalmuan