Sunday Worship Service | 14 April 2024 | 11:00 AM
The worship service was led by Lianlalmuan, who greeted the congregation and read out verses from Psalms 36 to start the service. After praise and worship came to a close, the offering was blessed and committed to the Lord by Elder T. Roumuan.
Following the prayer, the elder made an announcement regarding the Pastor’s Prayer Fellowship’s Unity in Christ program that is to be held from May 20 to 30 in Lamka. He mentioned that anyone who wished to personally contribute for this program could provide their support through an envelope or online transaction. The separation of church service according to fellowship areas was also to begin from June, for which, he urged the various departments of the church to be ready.
Pastor Dr. Suankhanhau was the sermon speaker. The main theme of the sermon was on the ‘oneness’ of a married couple. He explained that while God is the starting point, the agent of progress and good lineage is dependent on a good marriage. We develop our mannerisms, beliefs and values from watching and learning from our parents. In the same way, our children also learn from us whatever they know. If a family is not in the right place, it has a series of effect on the community, the church and the society. Therefore, it is crucial for a husband and wife to be one in mind and understanding. He elaborated on the roles and responsibilities of a wife and a husband according to the Bible and how the reversal of such roles can cause disarray and confusion. To end his sermon, he took an example of Issac and Rebecca’s disunity regarding their favoured child and how it caused a chain of hatred amongst the Edomites and Israelites.
Time was given to the B&PMSC to share on the Building Motivation. The worship team then led the church in singing one more song after which, Elder T. Thiankhanmuan ended the service with benediction.