Sunday Worship Service | 12 January 2025 | 10:00 AM

By Muanniang Tunglut
24 January, 2025

Worship leader Ginmung read out Exodus 33:15 and led the congregation in an uplifting praise and worship session. The offering to the Almighty was dedicated by Upa Kam Suanthang.

TBUC Secretary made an important announcement regarding the new worship timings (10 AM, 12.30 PM and 3 PM) and area division for the service w.e.f 19 January 2025. The new worship schedule provides for Sunday school classes for BCD in all the three services with no separate service for the BYF.

Reading out Lamentations 3:17 and Proverbs 16:1, Pastor Suankhanhau briefly spoke of the need to commit all our plans in God’s Hands as we don’t know what the future holds. He then welcomed Thawnkhanlian and family from Sikkim Mission field and first timers/visitors to the church. Reminding the congregation of the prayer points, he led the mass prayer.

Sister Jamngaihlun gave a brief sharing about her family background, God’s calling on her life and her upcoming mission trip to Senegal. She read out Exodus 4:10-11 which gave her inspiration and confidence to embark on her new journey.

Pastor Lamkhanthang extended an invitation to those interested in serving as Sunday School teachers and delved into his message based on Lamentations 3:40 and 2 Kings 20:12-19. Emphasizing the need to examine our ways, he brought out the dangers of doing things which incurred God’s wrath through the life of King Hezekiah. We may live life on our own terms but our action is not going to end with us. The consequences can fall on the coming generation - our children, grandchildren and fellow beings.

2 Kings 20:12-19 describes how Hezekiah shows off his wealth and armory to the Babylonian envoys sent by King Marduk Baladan. The intention behind his action and the pride in his heart was not hidden from God. God had told him to put his house in order as he was going to die but in his extended years of life, Hezekiah gave priority to foreign policy in trying to portray himself as a strong and trustworthy ally to the king of Babylon against the Assyrians. Hezekiah’s pride led to the destruction of Jerusalem and untold sufferings to the next generation. Sounding a warning to parents to be careful in how they lived their life so that their actions do not bring the wrath of God upon their progeny, Pastor said that believers are commissioned to build up their family and lead them to the right path. He urged the congregation to introspect whether their life is a blessing or a cause for God’s wrath and to be faithful to God in whatever they do. Speaking a blessing over the congregation for God’s help in this regard, he concluded his message with a word of prayer.

TBUC Chairman briefly spoke about the blessings of being a launch pad for sister Jamngaihlun and the role of every believer in missions. Thereafter, all the Elders gathered around her and Pastor Lamkhanthang prayed for her.

Led by the worship team, the last hymn was sung and the service concluded with thanksgiving and prayer by Upa Chinsum.

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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