Sunday Worship Service| 10 November 2024 | 4:00 PM
The worship service started with invocation of the Lord and a Scripture reading of Psalm 46: 1-3 by worship leader Zoulian which was followed by a heartfelt praise and worship session. Thereafter, Elder T. Songzalian dedicated the offerings to the Almighty.
Pastor T. Lamkhanthang led the mass prayer session. He placed emphasis on thanking God for protecting our families, our church and our society, also highlighting that we must always remember all the victims of the ongoing crisis back at home in our prayers.
Pastor Thang requested BYF Migitna Area to present a special song. After an evocative choral piece by BYF Migitna Area, Pastor Thang conducted a class to revise the book of Galatians for the upcoming final Sunday School Exam. The entire syllabus was highlighted by Pastor Thang as below:-
- Galatians 1: 1-10; the legitimacy of Paul’s apostleship, that he was sent by God, and there is only one gospel and we must turn away from other gospels, we must seek to please God not men.
- Galatians 1:11 – 2:1-21; Paul’s direct encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus which made Paul one of the great ‘Apostle’. Paul’s first and second meeting with the church leaders in Jerusalem with Barnabas and Titus, where they met Peter and James. Peter who was rebuked by Paul because he was not straightforward about the truth of the gospel. Drawing parallel from this, Pastor Thang exhorted the BYF leaders not to serve the Lord as a hypocrite.
- Galatians 3:1 – 4:7; the supremacy of Grace over the Law. Paul reproached the Galatians from experience and the Scripture that no one is justified by the law, but it is only through Jesus Christ we are justified and that faith in Jesus Christ is what make us children of God.
- Galatians 4: 8-31; Paul urged the church of Galatians to mature in Christ and not to turn again to be in bondage, he also expressed his concern because of their association with the Judaizers. Expounding the text on how we are God’s children, Pastor made a brief comparative analysis between Sarah, the freewoman, who bore Isaac through God’s promise and Hagar, the bondservant, who bore Ishmael according to the flesh. Pastor concluded his point by emphasizing on the importance of relying on God’s promise even if it’s long-drawn-out.
- Galatians 5: 1- 6:10; Liberty in Christ. It is important to stand fast in the liberty by which Christ made us free, it should not be used as an opportunity for the flesh so that we can walk in the spirit. By walking in the spirit, we can crucify the lust of the flesh contrary to walking in the flesh which led to fulfillment of the lust of flesh. All of which will result in the manifestation of the fruit of the Spirit in our lives.
- Galatians 6: 11-18; Paul’s appeal to bear and share the burden of one another which is the fulfillment of the law of Christ. Whatever was sown was reaped by each one, so we must sow the will of the Spirit. We must not grow weary and lose heart while doing good because in due season we will reap if we do not lose heart.
To conclude his teaching, Pastor Thang read out Ephesians 2:8-10 which he stated was imparted by God as a quintessential to Christian life.
Praise and worship team led the last hymn and the service concluded with the congregation reciting the Lord’s prayer in unison.