Sunday Worship Service | 08 December 2024 | 10:00 AM
Worship Leader S. Lianlalmuan opened the service by reading from Luke 2:20. As the Christmas cheer filled the atmosphere of the month, the worship team led the congregation in a short praise and worship session filled with hymnals and worship songs celebrating Christmas. The offerings for the day were dedicated to the Lord by Elder Chinsum.
Elder H. Kamsuanthang led the mass prayer, reminding our church to remember our crisis and ask the Lord for His will and guidance.
The speaker of the morning service was Elder T. Roumuan who shared on the theme of unforgiveness. He referenced multiple Bible verses including Matthew 18: 23-35 and Romans 12:19 after which he started his sharing with a prayer. The elder elaborated that we all may have held grudges on people and our experiences may be different, so are our temperaments. Furthermore, we as humans can be quite evil at heart in the manner that we may also have the tendency to find people to share our hate with. Thus, highlighting on our nature, he explained the consequences that may follow due to our unforgiveness:
- Unforgiveness prevents God from forgiving us: He talked about the unforgiving servant in Matthew 18 and the importance of forgiving one another so that the Lord may also forgive us
- Unforgiveness prevents us from coming into God’s presence: Matthew 5:23-24 was the basis through which the elder explained this. He also asked the church to reflect on their behaviors and prayers that may stem from grudges and unforgiveness
- Unforgivenss is rebellion against God: Romans 12:19 highlights that vengeance is of the Lord’s and thus, when we take matters into our own hands, we are rebelling against God and trying to take His position
- Unforgiveness causes being at odds with God’s plan: The story of Joseph is an example for Christians on forgiveness and it’s significance in carrying out God’s plan for our lives
- Unforgiveness results in the grief of the Holy Spirit: Ephesians 4: 30-34 explains the need to not grief the Holy Spirit through various forms of malice
The elder mentioned that unforgiveness can greatly impact our relationships and our worldview, so can it affect our physical health. It is understandable to have scarring experiences that may leave grudges in our hearts however, ultimately, the grudge hurts and cages you down more than the one whom you cannot forgive.
Lastly, he shared his own personal experience on forgiveness and urged the congregation that the Lord wanted to set us free from any unforgiveness we may have in our hearts. His segment was then concluded with a prayer.
Elder Chinsum made an announcement regarding a Christmas Book Festival being hosted by the YMCA Tourist Hostel from December 9 to December 21 in case any member of the church wanted to go and have a look around the festival. The worship team then led the church in a short praise and worship after which, the morning session was closed with a prayer by Elder B. Langkham.