Sunday Worship – Childrens’ Day | June 11, 2017 | 11.00 am
Praise and Worship was led by Baptist Children Department (BCD) Music Department. Mr. Jamchinlam, Assistant Superintendent, BCD, greeted and welcomed the congregants. Special items were presented by Beginner A & B (Bible verse recitation and song), Primary (action song), Junior (Drama/ Skit) and Inter and Senior combined (Choir). Pastor H. Biakson and his wife also presented a Special Number (Duet).
Mrs. Chingboi, Assistant Secretary, BCD, made BCD’s report. Total head count of children registered with BCD, EBCC Delhi is 179. Out of which 76 were believers (born again Christians). At present there are 20 BCD teachers. Each Sunday, there is a devotional programme and on last Sundays of a month, the teachers have meetings and mass prayers. BCD also created a WhatsApp Group to communicate with parents/ guardians regarding their ward’s status and performances. BCD also has some Plans and Projects in hand to carry out on a later date. Mrs. Roui Guite, Secretary, Baptist Dorcas Fellowship (BDF) took to stage and initiated gifts presentation to BCD students and teachers separately as a token of love and affection mothers have on their children. Pastor N. Tuang Lang prayed for all the children who were present on the occasion.
Pastor H. Biakson delivered his sermon on ‘Chosen/ Set aside for Christ’ based on the Scripture portions from 1Pet 1:2, 2:9. Pastor focused his sermon on parents/ guardians as well as on children. The book of 1 Peter is focused on early Christians scattered in Asia Minor to encourage them while reminding them of the important status they hold as a Christian through their faith in Jesus Christ.
Christians were a chosen race. Being a Christian is more important than our being a descend of a particular tribe. Whatever one may become, one should never forget his being a chosen one for Christ. We are not going to live in this world forever nor are we destined to belong to this world. God chooses us to be unique and to live for His glory.
Christians have the privilege of Royal Priesthood as they live for Jesus Christ. Born again children have the ability to pray for the wellbeing of their parents and for their careers as they are the children of God. They themselves can approach the Lord and surrender to Him.
Christians belong to a Holy Nation. We can praise the Lord and worship Him.
Christians are God’s own possession. We are His people.
Christians are Pilgrims. We do not belong to this world.
Apostle Paul understood and acknowledged the sufferings that the early Christians endured. He reminded them that their citizenship is of God’s kingdom and not of this world. We are God’s chosen people and are being set aside to be His very own. We should be submissive to the Lord. We should love God and our neighbours as well. Children should love God the most. They should know that they are God’s chosen people and are expected to love their neighbours. We should examine ourselves whether the things we do and say conform to the lives that God desires of us. We should live and conduct ourselves to be exemplary for our children. Though we may live in faraway places, we still need to care for the wellbeing of our kith and kin living in our hometown.
Our lifestyles should be that which is glorifying to God and it should determine the value systems of our children. In this way our lives would be worthwhile. Remember you are set aside for God, formed and appointed by God. God gives each child a talent. It’s our responsibility to explore the gift which our children are endowed upon. We need to teach our children that they too are being set aside for God for His glory.
~ Sumthanlian Suantak, Content Writer, EBCC Delhi.