Sunday Worship | August 05, 2018 | 11:00 am
Praise & worship : Worship Team
Offertory prayer : Upa Thianzakham
Building Committee’s Report : K Ginkhanthang
Bi-monthly prayer & Sermon : Pastor Tuang Lang
Benediction : Upa T Songzalian
Scripture references: Genesis 3:17-19; Genesis 39:4-5; Genesis 45:5; Proverb 10:22
At Creation, God made man in His image and meant it for man to be happy and enjoy the richness of Eden; to know no sadness nor taste death. Despite the wonderful blessings bestowed upon man, sin had brought forth a terrible curse upon mankind – “Cursed is the ground because of you; through painful toil you will eat food from it all the days of your life…” We each are blessed with many things in our lives, but we need to ponder if we each are in turn a blessing to others. Luke 9:25 says, “For what does it benefit a person if he gains the whole world but loses or forfeits himself?” Many lives have been destroyed by blessings – some have drunk themselves to their death, others have reduced to corrupt and withering lives. Pity such men who have lost their chance to be a blessing to others! Joseph had nothing materialistic of his own. The Lord, however, was with Joseph and Potiphar’s house was blessed plentifully all for Joseph’s sake [Genesis 39:1-6]. It becomes clear then that it is not so much the material things that a man has than the desire of the same man to be a blessing to others that truly matters. The life of Joseph teaches us to be faithful to the Lord and to do all things as if we are doing it to God. In that way, God will be with us the way He was with Jacob, and bless us in every thing that we do, and in turn make us become a blessing to others in all that we do.