Sunday worship 20th march 2016
Praise and worship
Youth committee member election
Sermon topic - Palm Sunday
Bible verse - Mark 10:1-10
Pastor K.Vumzathang shared on pulpit the brief story about Palm Sunday and the reason behind our celebration in brief based on the above verse. But he also state that he will not go deep behind the story into detail
instead stressed on what is in it for us, how important it is to us and what can we learn from it, what is applicable in our life.
According to the verse, Jesus himself send two of his disciples to the village ahead of them stating how they will find a colt tied and they should loose him and bring him and if any man should ask why? they shall respond, the Lord need him.
This answer The Lord need him" is what is important. The Lord need you, me , his children. and how lucky are those present there that time who laid their clothes on the colt, the way or those who cut down branches off tress and those who shouted Hosanna. They were the first people who help the Lord, we should envy them and seek our way to be useful for the Lord. Look at ourselves, we tribal from the most nook and corner of the earth are blessed with His love and brought up thus far so, why are we just wasting our time. let us be grateful to the Lord for He has blessed our nation.
More importantly the colt is set free from the tie and let loose for the Lord Jesus. We his children may be tied by ropes which we may feel much stronger than our strength or we don't even know that we are tied by certain issues in our daily life but blinded by our usual self that we don't realise , or we may be praying everyday, seeking his mercy and praising him without truly setting ourselves free. so, brothers/sisters let us set ourselves free from our tie so that we can be in use for the Lord.
In this world there are many great people - Bruce Lee, Alexander The Great who were truly great but could not let go of the tie and wind up loosing their life. so, let us choose like Mary who chose to let go all the tie and said unto the Lord, use me according to your way. Let us seek the Lord and say the same so that people can praise the Lord and glorify Him because of you or me. At the moment when you heard his calling, in every single way let us be in that position like Mary to surrender ourselves and say Lord "use me according to your way". Because he said whatever you do to man , you did it to my father in Heaven. Psalm 73:28 says, But it is good for me to draw near to God, I have put my trust in the Lord God, that I may declare all thy works. these days youths are lazy and busy, finding excuses not having find time to read the bible or pray. what if God truly left us , we will be able to live on our own let us be near to our God.
Niangngaihkim, Media team