Sunday Service | Pastor T Lamkhanthang | March 27, 2022 | 11:00 AM
Prayer Cell: Munirka 1 & 2, Mehrauli, Kishangarh 1 & 2, Ber Sarai, Pushp Vihar, Madangir, Savitri, Safdarjung Enclave, Kotla and Tukhlakabad Cell
Worship Team leader N Vumsuan initiated the service by reading Psalms 1:1-3 with the congregation.
Following hymns were sung by the congregation led by the Worship Team:
- Na Mawh Puakgik Pan Na Suakta Nuam Hiam?
- Nang Na Omna Nuam
- A Hing Biakna
Offertory Prayer : Elder G Khamgoupau
TBYF Commissioning: Pastor G Khankham read from the scripture of 2 Timothy 2:3, 1:8 and prayed for the newly elected committee members for the term 2022-23:
- Alex Thangsuansong
- Ginlalsiam S
- Ginmuan Khuptong
- Justin Luaithang
- Kamlianmung Hangzo
- Kapgoulian Vualzong
- Lalboi Mangte
- Lalsuanmang N
- Lalthang K
- Moses Lianzachin
- Esther Chiinngaihnem
- Julie Donngaihlun
- Nem Judy
- Margaret Chinggoulun
- Vungkhawlching
Sunday Sermon by Pastor T Lamkhanthang on the topic of “Nearer to God with Fear and the Fruits” Psalms 1:1-3, Matthew 10:28, Exodus 1:17,21 and Leviticus 19:14,32
Induction of new members conducted by Elder T Goukhangin and Pastor G Khankham prayed for them:
- Chiinthianhoih
- Chingsangniang
- Chingsuankim
- Ningngaihkim
- H Lamkhanmuan
- Paubiaksang
- Vungsanglun
- Joshua Ginlal
- Mawipiak
Closing Hymn: Toupa Nong Itna Lian Hi
Closing and benediction by Elder Khamkhanpau