Sunday Service | Pastor G Khankham | April 03, 2022 | 2:00 PM
5 April, 2022
- The service began with praise and worship led by the WT. The following songs were sung:
- Aman honpi ka kipak hi
- Khatvei khelhna kolbun in ka tanga
- A va kikhum bang sal in ka tang
- Pia unla hileh piak nahi ding uh
- The offerings was blessed by Elder T Goukhangin
- Pastoral prayer for the month of April was conducted by Pastor G Khankham
1. Seeking the good of others first: (v23-30)
- We all have been given the right/freedom to do anything but not everything is beneficial and constructive for us. Therefore we should respect the rights and freedom of others around as well and seek the good of others before our own good.
- Paul said one should eat anything sold in the meat market (Makellon a meat market in Corinth) without raising questions of conscience because the earth and everything in it is the Lord’s.
- When invited to a meal by an unbeliever one should eat whatever is put before you without raising any question of conscience. But if you are told that it was offered in sacrifice, then do not eat it both for the sake of the one who told you and their conscience.
- Freedom should not disturb ones faith. We should be careful with our actions and words as believers as our actions may disturb those with little faith.
2. Putting God first and foremost : (v31-33)
- Whatever we do, eat or drink we should do it for the glory of God.
We should be careful of our actions and not mislead anyone from their faith – the Jews, the Greeks, and the Church of God.
We should always seek the good of others and put them first so that many may be saved.
Conclusion: Therefore whatever we do we must do it for the glory of God. We must not be influenced by our surrounding and not give in to the circumstances where we might be compelled to misuse our faith and freedom. We must not misuse our freedom rather use it in the most fruitful way that is by putting God and the good of others before our own.
- A Sangzaw lam ka delh Tawntung was sung as the closing song.
- The service ended with a benedictory prayer by Elder G Khamkhanpau