Ressurection Sunday Service | Pastor Thuamminlian Guite | 04 April 2021 | 11 AM
#Opening and dedication of the service was done by Worship Team Leader, followed by Praise and Worship led by Worship Team.
#Worship Songs:
- Thou Nawn Ta!
- A Hin Vaang In (Because He Lives)
- Ka Tanpa a Hing Chih Ka Thei
- Thou Aw Ka Kha Kipak a Om
- Khrist Hoihna
#Dedication of offerings was done by Upa Chinsum
#Special number was given by Dorcas Quartet ( Ka Hondampa a Hing ahi)
#Pastoral Prayer was done by Pastor G Khankham
Sermon: Pastor Thuamminlian Guite
- Resurrection
- Power of resurrection
- Its impact on believers
1 Corinthians 15:12-13 -Paul had to strive to convince the resurrection of Jesus among the Judas. Even today among the Christians itself, there are still some people who still cast a spectacular doubt on resurrection. Some even assumed that Jesus lay unconscious on the cross and woke up when He was in the grave. Paul exhorts that “… if Christ is not risen, then our preaching is empty and your faith is also empty”. Resurrection is the substance of our faith. The resurrection also confirms everything Jesus said about himself, His miracle and His claim as the Son of God. Let us affirm once again and remove any doubt about the resurrection and its significance. His death is needed because of our sin. His resurrection gave a dead blow to Satan. It gives us victory over sin and our pathway to heaven. Let us hold tight to our belief and build our faith stronger with this resurrection.
1 Corinthians 15: 51, Romans 6:5 -Our human bodies are subjected to decay and death. It will return to dust. But if we are resurrected with Christ, we are hidden with Him and are set free to dwell upon Heavenly things. We will be glorified with a new body that will have “victory over sin and death,” because of the resurrection. Those who were lying in the grave will be raised again with an imperishable body.
Romans 6:1; Galatians 2:20 -The fact that we are resurrected with Christ impacts our Christian life in such a way that it gives us the power to reign over sin. When we know that we will be resurrected to new life, we can endure hardships and temptations. Paul was counter with his great emphasis on the grace of our Lord. “What shall we say then? Shall we continue in sin, that grace may abound?” What they don’t understand is that by being resurrected with Christ, we are no longer bound to sin. We are redeemed to live in the likeness of God.
# The church service was wrapped up with benediction by Upa Kamsuanthang.