Report and Interaction on Missions Activities in Nepal
Nov.8, 2014, Saturday, 2:30 p.m. (in observance of Missions Sunday 2014)
Conductor: L/Upa Ngulminthang
Welcome address by Chairman, Tualsung Baptist Missions Committee
Gift presentation to Rev. N Thawndoulian and Evangelist Manoj Rana
Report by evangelist Manoj Rana:
-brief personal background of his life
-history of Nepal:
- Nepal is an orthodox hindu society
- Christians convert growing slowly day by day
- Hindu constitutes about 75.01% of the population whereas Christians accounts for only about 4%
- 80% of the population are farmers
-the Nepalese are fond of dancing and singing. To let the gospel spread one can get their attention through songs and dances
-only 7 churches where he is working
-ministry activity is done door to door, as a fellowship, to schools, colleges to spread the gospel to people.
Report and slides presentation by Rev. N Thawndoulian, FS, Nepal mission field ministries
- Nepal mission field started in 1982
- Out of 75 districts of Nepal, the missions have its presence only in 5 districts.
- Around 60% of the population have not heard about the gospel
Ministry activities
-18 native evangelists
-organise an outreach evangelism or house visit
-praying for the sick people and their sick animals as well
-distribution of gospel literature
Hill area churches
1. Tunebote NEBC was the first church for the Nepal mission field.12 people got baptised on 17 June 1982 and from this day the church was known to come into existence (covers 18 houses and has 115 members)
2. Khedok NEBC: 12 houses and 54 members
3. Tanglepa NEBC founded in 1997: 22 houses and 119 members
4. Gopetar NEBC established in1998:14 houses and 61 members
5. Imsawa NEBC established in 2010:12 houses and 70 members
Plain area churches
1. Pathari NEBC, Morang established in covers 40 houses and has 144 members
2. Damak NEBC founded in 1996.15 houses and 54 members
3. Padajungi NEBC established in 2009:29 houses and 101 members
4. Dharampur NEBC, 1996:17 houses and 131 members
5. Kathmandu NEBC, 2009:24 houses and 58 members
Field HQ Church
Birtamod NEBC established in 1996.It started out with just 1 member but till date it has 100 members.
Butabari NEBC was the base HQ when the mission field first entered Nepal in 1995.
Nepal field census 2014
No.of churches = 20
No.of members= 1575
No.of elders=21
No.of houses =387
The presentation was followed by short interaction session
Concluding remarks by L/Upa Ngulminthang:
He suggested if 17 may could be observed as missionary day of the Nepal mission field as it is the date on which the first believers of the missions were baptised.
Referring to Pauls conduct among the gentiles as is written in Acts 28 and Acts 15, he shared that how as believers we could make an impression upon the non believers through our behaviours and conduct. Our actions can either help or hinder the gospel. For the gospel to be received positively, our actions should be guided by the holy spirit.
Closing prayer by Upa T.Kaithang
By- Lhingenniang Shoute
Media team