PPF-D Worship Service | June 22, 2019
Pastors’ Prayer Fellowship Delhi (PPF-D), a union of Pastors that share a common understanding of language, faith and spiritual interest, organised its first worship service for the year on June 22 at the church of EBCC Delhi, Dwarka. Evangelist Thang Lam Mung delivered the living message during the service.
A. Who do you say you are? [John 1:22]
With all their wealth and wisdom, many seem more aware and certain about the world and its ways than they do about their own selves. There is a tale of birds that taught the bat a lesson. The bat, hanging upside down at sleep, would wet itself and then blame other birds for pouring water on it, until one day the other birds made the bat see for who it really was.
While the preacher stands at the podium, it happens very often that we see through the man standing in front of us and see past all the good teachings that he delivers. Jesus was different. His eyes did not linger on the pasts of his disciples but only saw all the goodness inherent in them. It did not stop Jesus from approaching the woman with a questionable past at the well in Jew-despised Samaria. On his return, the prodigal son too was taken into arms by his father who forgave him then and there. We must ask ourselves again who we think we are, remind ourselves that we are fallible but reassure ourselves that our past has little to do with our spiritual walk with God. The Lord sees us for what we really are and weighs the weight of commitment with which we desire, seek and follow Him.
B. Where are you? [Genesis 3:9]
When Adam sinned, he was in Eden. God came looking for Adam who had hidden inside Eden itself. In churches today too, it is possible to find lost souls among the members of the church itself. While we think we are ‘inside’, we might be no different from those ‘outside’ the church.
Almost all of us are born into Christian families and unconditionally become members of the church. But as we grow up, do we ever ask ourselves if we have been mere Christians all this time or if we have become true believers along the way indeed? Knowingly or unknowingly, have we been hiding inside the church just as Adam did inside Eden while we have sinned? The hymns we sing at church and the passages we read from the Bible must touch us in one way or the other and help us get closer to God, for that is where we really must be.
C. Where do you tread? [2 Kings 5:25]
Gehazi, the servant of prophet Elisha, went after Naaman against Elisha’s wishes and brought on himself a terrible curse. Gehazi had not realised that the spirit of his master was always with him, even outside the walls of his master’s house.
Today, as we gather at the church and worship the Lord together, we need to realise that spirit of the Lord dwells not only with us inside the church, but dwells inside each of us as we step out and go on with our daily lives. It is, therefore, imperative to understand that what is considered unholy to eat, drink, say and think inside the church must essentially be considered unholy outside the church and in our private lives – for, wherever we go, so shall the holy spirit!
D. Where do you fall? [2 Kings 6:6]
As a company of prophet Elisha was axing a tree, the iron axe head slipped away and fell into the river. When Elisha asked where the axe head fell, the man showed the exact place. Elisha threw a stick just there and the iron axe head simply floated on the water.
While we say we hunger and thirst for God, have we really asked ourselves where that relationship and desire for connection fell? When we go to church, do we seek the healing touch of the holy spirit? In countries in the west, there prevails spiritual thirst among the masses and people come together in mega churches, sometimes numbering over 5000!
E. Where do you go? [Exodus 2:10]
Where do you go when you fall and hurt yourself? Where do we go in times of financial difficulties? When in pain and distress, who do we go to? Man cannot get relief from life's difficulties by approaching man. We must know exactly how and where we hurt, and seek God, for all true healings are through Him.
Mosi ran away from the misery of taking the life of another and the fear of repercussion; Jacob ran from fear of his elder brother Esau, to find himself made a fool by Rachel's father over ten times. In contrast, Hannah, one of the two wives of Elkanah, went up to the temple of God and wept and prayed. While the other wife of Elkanah bore children, Hannah remained barren. In living such a hard life, Hannah continued to worship the Lord. It pleased the Lord and Samuel was born to Hannah.
Evangelist Thang Lam Mung is nephew of Rev. Job Thawngno. He had come to New Delhi all the way from Tahan, a town in north-western Myanmar, where he lives with his wife and children.
DEW | June 16, 2019 Picture Gallery Sermon Video Sermon Audio