Pentecost Day Service (Chandigarh) | June 09, 2019
Pentecost Day Service at EBCC Chandigarh
Pastor Thuamminlian Guite, accompanied by youth members from Delhi, two BYF Committee member and one from Media Team, visited EBC Chandigarh. During their stay in the city, Pastor paid house visit to a couple of family, praying for them and he also delivered two sermons- first at 11AM and the second at 3PM worship service.
Morning Worship Service
As many as 22 members, including 4 Sunday school students, gathered at Upa B. Goumang’s residence, for morning worship service which begins at 11 AM. Pastor conducted Pastoral prayer, usually held once a month, followed by ‘Pentecost’ themed sermon.
Biblical references: Galatians 3:1-3, Ephesians 1:3-14, John 15:26-27, Acts 1:8, Acts 2:1-13.
What is Pentecost?
The word ‘Pentecost’ comes from the Greek word ‘pentekoste’ which means fiftieth. Jesus had promised that after He ascended to heaven, He would send a Helper and Guide to His followers. Pentecost day is exactly the 50th day after Jesus’ Resurrection. It is the day the promised Holy Spirit was given to His disciples. An incredible promise that when He would no longer be physically among them, the same Spirit that was with Him on earth would come to guide the disciples on the way of truth. Pentecost day can be considered as the beginning of the church, the commencement of Christianity.
What is Holy Spirit?
Helper and a Guide that was given to all the believers, initially given to the disciples of Jesus. This Holy Spirit is acquired/given to us when we are born again. Since Jesus has ascended to heaven and remain no longer with us here on earth, He has sent the Holy Spirit that will continually guide us on the way of truth till His return (Second Coming). Through the Holy Spirit, Jesus sealed/made an engagement with people who are believers to affirm that one day we all will be married to Him.
As the Holy Spirit was given to us, the believers, we have responsibilities to fulfil. It is our responsibility to continue to live for Christ and witness telling people about Him everywhere – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. Just on the day of Pentecost, through the teachings of Peter, 3000 believers were added and baptized.
Are our lives witnessing Christ? We must witness for Him. Our lands and our nations need the Holy Spirit. The previous generation had their revival; we need similar revival for our present generation. Let us reawaken the Holy Spirit in each of our lives.
Have you received the Holy Spirit/Salvation Jesus had given to us? Do we fulfil God’s purpose in our life? Let us all ponder on this.
Evening Worship Service
Evening Worship service and the second meeting for the day was held at 3PM in IPC Zion Church, Near Airport Chowk, Chandigarh, which was attended by few members of Eimi Christian Fellowship, Chandigarh. The meeting was preceded by baptism service where Pastor baptised Ms. Chiinsianlun, Ms. Chingremmawi and Ms. Chuungbiakdik. Pastor spoke at length the meaning and significance of Baptism.
Biblical references: Romans 6:1-5, Galatians 2:20
What is Baptism?
It is an act of obedience symbolizing the believer's faith in a crucified, buried, and risen Saviour, the believer's death to sin, the burial of the old life, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life in Christ Jesus.
The act of baptism is performed not because one has attained adulthood or wants to be a born-again person. It is performed on those who are born again. Baptism is performed as a way of proclaiming our commitment to follow Jesus and confessing one’s faith to follow Jesus in the presence of witnesses. The Evangelicals do not believe in infant baptism as infants are too young to understand and make a true faith commitment. Baptism is only for a born-again person. It may be mentioned that it is neither a condition to go to heaven nor a part of our salvation. To the extent possible, the Church should perform baptism.
When one takes baptism, he identifies himself with Jesus. He proclaims that he no longer lives for himself nor to fulfil his own desires. We proclaim through this that our old way of life is crucified and nailed, not to be influenced by sin anymore.
After the Message, the Pastor administered the Holy Communion, assisted by Upa B Goumang.
EBC Chandigarh is one among the various Christian Fellowships in Chandigarh. Some of them are Christ Church, Mar Thoma Parish Chandigarh, City Light Church, First Baptist Church and Seven Day Adventist. EBC Chandigarh was established recently in November 2016. Since its establishment, the Church has been organizing regular Sunday worship services, mostly at Upa B Goumang’s residence, located at Sector 51A, Chandigarh. Presently, the Church has 47 members.