Pentecost Day | 19 May 2024 | 2:00 PM

23 May, 2024

The worship service began with Praise & Worship led by the Worship Team and offertory dedicated by Upa Khamkhanpau Guite.

The next segment was the Mass Prayer led by Pastor Dr Suankhanhau Gualnam who listed off some of the key prayer points for the day:

  1. Regarding the current situation in Manipur, pray for God’s guidance.
  2. PPFD will visit Manipur the following Monday so pray for that.
  3. Pray for God to keep watch over our borders (in Manipur).
  4. Pray regarding the ongoing elections in India.

This segment was followed by a special no. from the BYF Choir Team. After this, Unaupa Thianmuanlal Guite was called to testify his journey with NDPN. Concurrently, the ushers handed out brochures to the congregation that contained information about the missionaries and the missionary field they were currently in. Unaupa Muanlal testified about the hardships and oppositions he faced while doing NDPN, and told us to not give up. He also requested the people to pray for him regarding his health. He concluded his testimony with this quote: ‘No matter what, our real ending will not be on earth, it is but a stepping stone to the real thing.’

The sermon of the day was given by Pastor Lamkhanthang Tonsing. He informed the congregation about how our mission fields had expanded internationally over the years and to give the glory to God. His key message was on how to be witnesses for God. There would be some criterias that needed to be met before one could become proper witnesses for God. Firstly, the presence of God’s spirit as this is what enables us to witness. The Spirit gives us ‘ability’. Second, bravery. Bravery, in the context of witnessing means not just ‘good works’, but actually living (as God’s witnesses) in our day-to-day lives. He iterated on the importance of the Spirit, and to not make it sad on purpose. Some Bible verses he read throughout the sermon: Acts 1:8; Luke 12:11,12; Acts 4:18,19. Lastly, he ended by saying that the Spirit would lead us, we just have to let it.

The conclusion of the sermon was followed by Praise & Worship and the benediction given by Upa Thangkhosiam Tonsing which also concluded the worship service for the day.

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Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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