Date: 29th April, 2012 (Sunday)
Time: 11 A.M.
Place: EBC Church, Nasirpur, New Delhi

This Sunday Worship Service is celebrated as Bible Sunday. At the start, the Local Pastor, V. Nenglian, read the Scripture and had the opening prayer. Led by the Worship Team, the Congregation sang the hymns “Toupa Vang Kiamlou” and “Jesu a Hoihpen Toupa”. The whole congregation then had mass prayer. The congregation then sang “Sa in ka Phat Ding” during which the ushers collected the offerings. Upa Khamkhanpau then had the Offertory Prayer, dedicating the offerings to the Lord.

The Local Secretary, Upa Kamsuanthang read out the following names who are to be inducted as new members: Chingzouhoih, Thangkhenkham, Zamhoihlun, T.Damzalian, Linda, Sangremmawi, H.Ginmuan, Niangngaihlian, T.Lianchinsiam, Chinghoihkim, Lalson, Niangthiannem and Khawlzoulian. The Pastor then had a prayer for them and the induction service was concluded.

This was followed by two reports:

1. Glocal Volunteers (GV): Pastor Th.Mangthanlal of Glocal Volunteers outlined the visions and activities of Glocal Volunteers. According to him, the vision of Glocal Volunteers is to work out generational responsiblity-the challenges facing our generation. Its mission is to work out generational responsibility through integrated mission by serving the integrated welfare of individuals, communities and nations. Its most outstanding fearure is that it is a church in the marketplace/street. It has already worked in the areas of organizing counselling among NGO and church workers; conducting management training in collaboration with Christian Institute of Management, Chennai; taking up environmental issues; conducting spoken English classes, life guidance, career guidance, electric documnetation, e-mail/online/letter counselling in different aspects of life and visiting orphanages like Only Grace and Sanggah Moun Inn, etc. GV also recieved the best suggestion award on e-governance during the 2011 Independence Day celebration in Churachandpur District.  He requested the church members to send queries through letter/e-mail to the district administration and the Autonomous District Council on the status of the district administration website which is still under construction. This is meant to usher in more transparency in administrative matters and dealings. He also stated that GV is taking steps to design curriculum and syllabus about creationisim which can be taught in Class-IX, X, XII and XII.

He outlined four areas of GV’s spiritual concerns:

(i)                             Regeneration (salvation)

(ii)                           Discipleship (individual & corporate)

(iii)                         Transformation (individual & community)

(iv)                         Abundant leaving (fruitful life)

2.         Bible Society of India (BSI): Brother Rajender of the BSI then had a brief report on BSI and its activities and campaign. He stated that EBC is a source of blessing to BSI in many ways through contributions, prayer and motivational talks, etc. He enlightened the congregation about the aim of BSI which is to translate the Bible into the various Indian languages, print and distribute them at affordable/subsidized rates so that it can reach as many people as possible. He stated that the demand for the Holy Bible is growing day by day.

He also outlined the ways in which one can become a part of BSI: to become a member of BSI, to form a prayer group for BSI and its Ministry, put a BSI box in one’s home and save Rs.1 every day which will come out to Rs.365 in a year-the equivalent of giving 3 Bibles to persons who don’t have them. He stated that the task of BSI is challenging and there are lots of hurdles in the way. He stated that out of around 1650 Indian languages, the Bible has been translated into 364 languages and translation in another 102 languages is in the pipeline. He stated that the Bible which is the most read, most translated and most hated book in the world. He shared with the congregation Bibles for the World’s aim of distributing the Bible in every district and every village of North India.

Before the Pastor delivered his Bible Sunday message, the hymn “Pathian Laisiangthou Muang ing” was sung by the congregation. The theme of the Pastor’s Bible Sunday message is BSI’s  200th Anniversary theme which is “God’s Word-Transforming Lives”.  He read 2 Tim 3:16-17, 16All Scripture is God-breathed and is useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting and training in righteousness, 17 so that the servant of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work.” In one Bible commentary, it says that the Bible is not just a book and those who are serious about God should read it regularly.  He also read Hebrew 4:12-13, 12 For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.13 Nothing in all creation is hidden from God’s sight. Everything is uncovered and laid bare before the eyes of him to whom we must give account.” Another commentary says that people study the works of Plato, the great Greek philosopher for research and information purposes but not daily. But on the contrary, God’s word is evergreen and read daily by many people all over the world. In case of the works of great people, we read them, note down the important points and then keep it away.

According to him, the Bible/God’s word is compared with the following things:

  1. Sword-God’s word is sharp as a double-edged sword (Hebrew 4:12)
  2. Hammer- God’s word is like a hammer that breaks a rock into pieces (Jeremiah 23:29)
  3. Seed
  4. Mirror James 1:23-God’s word should be used for introspection
  5. Fire (Jeremia 23:29, 20:9)
  6. Lamp-lighting our path (Psalms 119:105)
  7. Food- so that one can grow and have strength (1 Peter 2:2)

The congregation then sang “Bible Pom Kip in” and the worship service ended with closing prayer and benediction by Upa Chinsum.


-Joyful Tonsing,

(Media Team)


Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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