Missions Sunday Service | February 16, 2020 | 11 AM

19 February, 2020

Church and Missions
~ Pastor G Khankham

Scripture references: Matthew 28:18-20; John 20:21

Church and Missions are like needle and thread; one cannot do without the other. When we talk about church, we cannot ignore missions. Both cannot be separated.

Jesus said that all authority in Heaven and on earth has been given to Him and commissioned us to go and make disciples of all the nations (Matthew 28:18-19). How great is the One who sends us! He has the authority over everything. The Gospel has to be preached as the One who sends us is a great God. And the condition under which He sends us is “just as the father sent Him” (John 20:21). Jesus took the form of a servant, humbled Himself and became obedient to death, even death on the cross. Are we ready to emulate Him or do we think we are too big for His work?

The Gospel is to be preached to all the nations. Those of us in Delhi are privileged. We are living among diverse people. We don’t have to go anywhere; we can begin preaching the Gospel right where we are.

Jesus also told us to make disciples and baptize them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. We may think it's too early or there is still time. But a time is coming when we can no longer do His work (John 9:4). And if we die or are incapacitated, our opportunity to do His work will be gone. Now is the time to start preaching the Gospel. Now is the time for missions. Let us work wholeheartedly and with perseverance. If we make excuse, we will regret it. As it is written in Ezekiel 3:18, God will hold us accountable for the blood of sinners if we don’t tell them the way of salvation.

Jesus promises to be with us always, to the very end of the age. Let us begin doing His work. Let us work hard for the spread of the Gospel with courage.

Sharing by Robert Suanlian

The Gospel of Christ was brought to our land, Southern Manipur in 1910 through Watkin Roberts who came all the way from Wales. Evangelist Thangvang Guite was the first Christian among the Paite community. Through him and through the works of the first converts, it spread in the region called the Guite Kual.

The lives of the pioneer missionaries and their commitment made me reflect on why they were willing to leave their comfort zone and suffer hardships to preach the Gospel. The scripture portion from II Timothy 1:12 "I know whom I have believed…" explained it all. Here the word 'know' is not just superficial knowledge but the knowledge that stems from experiencing Him in our lives through a connection with Him. Nothing is so dear to leave behind nor suffering or sacrifice too big when we knew that Jesus saved us from death. In missions, no work is too small or lowly. Whatever we do, even in our smallest capacity, is acceptable to God and He blesses them. And when we truly know Jesus and have Him in our hearts, there is no room for fear. A deep abiding faith gives us the boldness, courage and conviction to suffer for His sake.

It is time for the church members to take up missions. Let us ask ourselves, "Do I have Jesus? Is He in me? If so, how far am I willing to go for His sake?”  We may not go as a missionary but we can contribute financially for missions or go on motivational mission field visits. 

Let us reflect on where we stand and how we can take the next steps to spread the Gospel. Let us trust God and connect with Him so that the Holy Spirit will fill us with strength and courage to move forward. 

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Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
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