Missionary Day - May 7, 2016

10 May, 2016

11am Service

Pastor H. Biakson took to stage and led the congregation with Worship Team for the praises songs. While the praises songs were sung, offerings were collected and dedicated to God with prayer by Deacon Damsomthang.

Thereafter, N. Vumsuan, Chairman, Tualsung Baptist Mission Committee (TBMC) took time for the Welcome Speech. Special item was presented by Baptist Children Department (BCD).


Pastor N. Tuang Lang took time to deliver the message with the topic : "THE WISE CATCHES THE SOULS". Proverbs 11:30; Daniel 12:3; Romans 10:13-15.

Wise or Wisdom

James 3:17 -"But the wisdom that is from above is first pure, then peaceable, gentle, and easy to be intreated, full of mercy and good fruits, without partiality, and without hypocrisy." Wisdom talk about in this Bible verse can be obtained through the spiritual blessings of the Lord. Through Jesus Christ, we have such wisdom.

"The fear of the Lord is wisdom" (Job 28:28). With wisdom from above, one can catch the souls. God consider a person as wise, who catches the soul and works on more for catching the soul. God considers us wise through Jesus Christ. The big question is, are we those people who catch souls?

In the Bible, I King 3:5-13, when God asked King Solomon what he want upon becoming the King of Israel, the king chose for wisdom, so God gave him wisdom and also great possession. In fact, King Solomon became the wisest man on earth. Here, the wisdom that Solomon was bestowed is from God who is the source of all wisdom.

In Acts 4:1-11, we saw the courageousness of Peter and John, because they have Jesus. Wisdom is Gospel and God is the source of wisdom.

Soul or Souls

Among the creations of the world, the creation of the souls is the most wonderful, which is created by God. In Genesis 1:16-28, we found how human being was made in the same image as God. In Genesis 2:7, we found the way human being came into being; God "breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living soul", this is how Soul started.

In Ecclesiastes 12:7, upon death, ".....the spirit shall return unto God who gave it". This shows the Soul belongs to God. Our soul will face judgement according to the works we have done on earth while we were alive. When God call Adam in the Garden of Eden upon eating the fruit of the tree of life, God was searching for the soul of Adam which belongs to Him. Through Jesus, our relationship with God was established. Wisdom, capability and caring are in Jesus, and through these, the concerns and cares for the unbelievers are with us.

When we use the word, souls, we refer to all people around us, all those who are unbelievers. From the wisdom that we got from Jesus through the Holy Spirit, we can catch the soul. So, those who are wise, catches the soul.

Ways of catching SOUL

1. You can go and preach

We can go out and preach to catch the soul. We are just the instrument, but Lord Jesus is the one who work for us.

a) In house and workplace, one can work for catching the soul.

We can discuss with our colleagues in workplace, friends in college, with people whom we are engaged and talk about Jesus for saving soul.

b) We can help our family, friends and colleagues. This can be done by distributing tracks and other Biblical writings. We can request someone who is more well verse with the work if we think that we need more elaboration in the work of catching soul.

If we perceived that God call us, we should be like Apostle Paul who readily accept the calling, but not like Jona who disdained God's calling. We should not choose the work of God only because it is good, but that we are clear or have conviction about His calling.

2. Encouraging Missionaries

Through internet and mobile phone, we can communicate with the missionaries and enquire about their well beings and other life's issues. We can pray for them and establish good communication. By these, we do great work in encouraging the missionaries in their work. We should step out and gets involve in the work of the missionaries; even those who already step out, should go further mile.

3. In Prayer. We can take active part in prayer, and pray for:-

a) those who are workers and the place they work

b) for receiving God's spirit and His guidance.

Prayer can reach the fastest to the one whom we prayed, as compared to others while we take part in God's work. It is important for God's children.

The death of human being

The preaching of God's word is to be fast as, in just a second, enough lives are lost day by day. Mark 8:26, how Jesus sent out His disciple to preach the Gospel.

If we are death, it will be over and we will not be able take part for preaching and spreading the Gospel. So, we should work in a hurry to preach the Gospel. Proverb 24:11, "to deliver them that are drawn unto death, and those that are ready to be slain". Jude 23, "And others save with fear, pulling them out of the fire; hating even the garment spotted by the flesh." So, while we are busy in this earth, we should be concerned about those people who don’t accept Jesus.

Alexander the Great

Upon his dying bed, Alexander had three "death wishes":

  1. "My physicians alone must" carry my coffin." This he said because doctor could not give live.
  2. "I desire that when my coffin is being carried to the grave, the path leading to the graveyard be strewn with gold, silver and precious stones which I have collected in my treasury". By this, people should know that after death, wealth and worldly possession have no much significance in life.
  3. "...Both my hands be kept dangling out of my coffin". This signified that, even a brave person is only with bare hands marching to the grave upon his death.

The work of spreading the Gospel is not about life on Earth. In the Bible, we see:

  1. Jesus said, "And whosoever shall give to drink unto one of these little ones a cup of cold water only in the name of a disciple, verily I say unto you, he shall in no wise lose his reward." Mathew 10:42
  2. "Blessed are they which are persecuted for righteousness' sake: for theirs is the kingdom of heaven." Mathew 5:10
  3. "For the preaching of the cross is to them that perish foolishness; but unto us which are saved it is the power of God." I Corinthians 1:18

After Pastor delivered his Message, Worship Team led the congregation in praise's songs. Closing prayer was held by Deacon Ngulminthang.

When the Church Service was over, lunch was served in the Church premises to the entire worship congregation.

Second - II, 3pm

The second session consisted of Singspiration of the praise's songs by various Artists. It was such a pleasant and blessed time with enough attendants of the Church who occupied all the seats of the Church.

Deacon Khamkhanpau prayed and opened the second session. Pastor Biakson took the stage and hosted the session. He introduced the Artists and soon Artists were called one after the other to present their praises songs.

The following artists with their praises song(s) performs during this Session.

  1. Pastor Biakson - "Missionary" & "Paizel in aw Ka Damna Gospel"
  2. Biakmawi & Nianlianmawi - "Kamkai Dungsun Thianmang Salpha"
  3. Roslyn Lalumpui - "Ni Tla Ngainaw" & Hmangaihna Ka Ngai"
  4. Thangsuanmung - " Kei Kuan Khia Ning"
  5. Mawinu Singson - "Vo Gospel Kholjin" & "Nisim a Ngaihlutna"
  6. Sangpui & Elizabelh - "Ma Pangkhawm Ni"
  7. Elish Veineivak - "Chanchinpha Doi-um" & "Gospel Vak Chiah zel in"
  8. Lydia & Jemkim - "Nang Kuan In"
  9. Florence - "Itna Sisan Lunga in"
  10. Lydia - "Aw Nang Karbi Anglong"
  11. TBMC - "Send the light"

After all these performances, Worship Team took the stage for leading the congregation for the closing songs. Benediction was pronounced by Deacon Kam Suanthang.

- P. Chinliankhup, Content Writer

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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