Missionary Day 2014 Program
“How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!” Rome 10:15
Missionary Day Kardom (meaning greetings in Karbi dialect)!!Missionary Day is one of the most remarkable days for the Christians of Southern Manipur, a day which commemorates the coming of “the Gospel” into the lives of the otherwise known as “savage and barbaric tribes”. Originally, Missionary Day is celebrated on May 7 every year, but, it is celebrated on May 4 ,today, the nearest Sunday to May 7( as May 7 is a working day).
The service begins with an opening prayer by the leader of the worship team, followed by Praise and worship. Mr. T. Dongkhansiam, Secretary, TBMC, conducted the service. After having incredibly gripping praise and worship back to back a mass prayer was conducted, this was followed by another hymn. A welcoming speech was made by Upa Vumsuan. He introduces the speaker,Rev.T.Paukhanmang Field Superintendent, Karbi Anglong, and his wife to the congregation. He also flaunts the brand new Nepal Field Visit 2014 T-shirt among the congregations, which he was wearing. The new T-shirt of the Nepal Field Visit 2014 was gifted to Rev. T. Paukhanmang, as a “token of love”. Couples’ Choir was presented by TBMC members, followed by the phenomenal EBCC BYF Choir. The Local Pastor ,V. Nenglian , made some highlights about the much awaited upcoming Nepal Mission Field Visit 2014 ,nearly 30 people registered for this mission trip. The main purpose of the trip, he said, is to see the ground reality of our mission fields in Nepal and give our brothers/sisters there moral and spiritual boost. He further, said that, this Nepal Field visit was already contemplated since the Punjab missionary field visit back in 2013. A blank enveloped was distributed for Nepal Field Visit donations .And this usual Sunday offerings would be given for the Manipur Mission Field Project.
Gist of Missionary Day Sermon by
Two important messages emphasized by the Speaker this missionary Day were, proclamation of the gospel and preservation of the gospel .The sermon was based on the scriptures taken from Deuteronomy 6:10-15, Matthew 28:18-20 and Romans 10:13-15.The sermon was quite challenging and thought-provoking especially for people like us who are living in the metros. As we get so engrossed by our busy yet luxury lives that we tend to forget God, our savior.
In Deuteronomy 6:10-15, the Lord God warned the Israelites not to forget him, who brought them out of Egypt, out from the land of slavery.
“Fear the LORD your God, serve him only and take your oaths in his name. Do not follow other gods, the gods of the peoples around you; for the LORD your God, who is among you, is a jealous God and his anger will burn against you, and he will destroy you from the face of the land.”(Deuteronomy 6:13-15). Yet, the Israelites forget the Lord, and he made them slaves of other nations. Similarly, the same could happen to us if we turn a blind eye from God. We are blessed by God with everything and he’s taken us this far, but still we tend to forget him. We may know that all these are God’s blessings .But, the question is do we really acknowledge that in our heart?? We are more obsessed with what he’s given that we often forget him, the giver. As a Christian we should ask ourselves, do I preserve the Gospel that sets me free (like God wants me to be) and spread the message to the unbelievers? The great commandment of Jesus Christ is to go and spread the Gospel.
“Therefore go and make disciples of all nations…..”Mathew 28:18
The purpose of Christians is to spread be a disciple for Christ and spread the “good news”. The speaker challenges each and everyone to come forward and take steps in spreading the gospel in whichever way we could .He also asserts that when one truly sees God his thought, perception and everything about him changes. He further urges everyone to play a vital role in evangelizing.
“And how can they hear without someone preaching to them? And how can they preach unless they are sent? As it is written,”How beautiful are the feet of those who bring good news!”.Romans 10:14-15
The service was once again led by the worship team, after which Upa Damsomthang closed the service with a benediction.
By- Biakching, Media Team