Mission Sunday | Pa Robert Suanlian Guite | 21 February 2021 | 1 PM
10 March, 2021
Church Service Dedication by prayer followed with worship songs, led by the Worship Team.
Blessings of Offerings by Elder Thiankhanmuan
Sermon by Pa Robert Suanlian Guite
John 6:1-14
Matthew 14:13-21
John 1:35-42
- The Lord Jesus is compassionate and have the aura to attract people. With compassion, He raised the dead, touched the leper. We need to look at the world the way Jesus looked, with His heart and attitude with compassion.
- Philip came up with problems to feed the 5000 people, but Andre looked around and brought the child with 5 loaves of bread and 2 fish. We need to put our faith and trust in Him.
- In this world, we look for many, we want much. When Andrew and his friend followed and walked behind Jesus, He turned around and asked, “What are you looking for?” We need to seek the Lord with all our hearts. One night with Jesus, Andrew became a new man, walked 100 miles to call his brother. The takeaway here is, what do we do when we find Jesus. Do we proclaim, are we His witness, do we go the extra mile?
- Another point to consider is, Jesus never takes, He gives away. So we have the duty to give what we have, know and spread the word of the Gospel. It takes small action to attain this. The man behind the well-known American evangelist, DL Moody, is the Sunday school teacher, who walked up to him and talked about the Gospel. Watkin Roberts, the 22 years old Welsh, brought the Gospel to us, through his grit and conviction.
- Whatever we are, with whatever we have, when we offer them to the Lord, He bless and multiplies and can do wonderful things.
Pledge card offered to God by Pastor Thuamminlian Guite and distributed to members.
Special Number by Nu Florence Sonkim “Toupa Leh A Gam Din”
Lord’s Prayer