Easter Sunday - March 27, 2016

Time: 03.00 pm
Pastor N. Tuanglang took to the pulpit and delivered his Sermon on ‘WONDERFUL RESURRECTION’ based on Rom 6:1-13 and 1Kor 15:13-19. It is about the majestic resurrection of Lord Jesus Christ which is so powerful and beyond the grasp of unbelievers. No resurrection like that of our Lord Jesus Christ’s happened nor will happen in future.
So many wonderful and captivating incidents happened when Jesus Christ arose from the grave. No soldier has ever guarded a grave to prevent the death from resurrection. There was an earthquake and an Angel descending from the heaven rolled away the stone that covers the tomb of Jesus Christ. We may hear stories of someone who regained consciousness from a near-death experience but they eventually died sooner or later. But, Jesus Christ never again died after his resurrection. Rather, He went up to the heaven to prepare a place for believers.
Had Jesus Christ not resurrected from death, our living message would be senseless. Our faith would be useless. The witnesses to the resurrection of Jesus Christ would be liars. We wouldn’t be redeemed from the consequences of our sins. Those who have attained physical death would have been perished. Christians would become the most pitiable of all. However, with the resurrection of Jesus Christ, believers became new creations. We died with physical deaths but rise with spiritual lives. Believers can now become instruments of Righteousness.
The big question now is whether we live our life fit to be called a resurrected life. We should examine the way we live our life worth our while. Jesus Christ wants a place in our hearts. Let’s open up our hearts for Him. This golden opportunity may not always be accessible for us.
Result of BYF Election for the term 2016-17 is declared. A total of 15 (10 gentlemen and 5 ladies) were elected.
Lian Suantak, Content Writer, EBCC Delhi.