Joint Worship Service of EBC Churches in Delhi
Joint Worship Service of EBC Churches in Delhi
(Kivehtuahna Program Zatna)
Time: 11.00 hours
Date: March 4, 2012
Place : EBCC Chapel, Dwarka
The ushers provided copies of the Delhi EBCC Weekly (DEW) and escorted members and guests to pews as a soft prelude music played by the keyboardist filled the air.
The praise and worship time was led by Worship Team from EBCC Central Delhi. Charged with emotion the gathering of brethren in Christ is a time for recounting the blessings of God through the years; the seed of such blessed fellowship with God was sown when a handful of Central Government employees met in a 10X12 foot room of a member. As promised in the Holy Bible, God has kept company to the ‘gathered in His Name’. Presently the fellowship had grown into two full fledged churches.
The worship team leader guided the gathering in responsive reading of alternate lines titled, "Pathian' hoihna leh thupina" - The goodness and greatness of God. Then he offered prayer asking the indwelling of the Spirit in the service. The chorus of "Amen from the gathering was followed by a musical solo playing for the evergreen gospel hymn "He Leadeth Me" - Biaknalate (BNL) Number 208. Assisted with multimedia display of the lyrics, the gathering made a joyful noise unto the Lord. There from the worshipers were taken to another level with "It Is well with my soul" (BNL 111). The hymn reminded the worshipers of the unsinkable faith displayed by Horatio Spafford in the face of adversity.
Thereafter the mode or worship slipped over from songs to mass prayer. That was a time to forget about sorrows that billows like a sea and say ‘it is well with my soul’
The musical interlude sustained the dying sound of prayer, there there was quiet contemplation. Then the song leader offered prayer aloud so that the congregation could respond by singing “amen”.
The spiritual and mental unity of the two churches was an answer to relentless prayers, an answer which runs down like an ointment from Aron’s head, to his beard down to the skirts of his garment. As Upa K. Tualzapau, Local Chairman of EBCC CD, read out Psalms 133 to the gathering he gave emphasis on the mention, in the Bible, of the beard and garment, the first ordained priest.
As characteristic of a joint fellowship, the worship session was interspersed with presentations from an array of vocal choirs - EBCC Delhi Worship Team, Baptist Youth Fellowship (BYF) and EBCC Central Delhi BYF. The first presentation from the Delhi Worship Team was hearth warming. The song titled, "Toupa I zuan ding uh"- Let's take pride in the Lord, the work of the musical legend Pumkhothang was presented even as the ushers brought forward the free will offering. The offering was dedicated to the custody of God by Upa Kamsuanthang, Secretary to EBCC Delhi Local Upa Committee.
Right after worship in offering, the BYF Central Delhi presented an exciting special number, "Laukha Siangthou"- Holy Spirit.
When the BYF from EBCC Delhi presented a hit single "Zesu Hoih zaw hi", another work of Pumkhothang, just about everyone in worship service hummed along thus consolidating their conviction in making Lord Jesus tower over all earthly riches and virtues in their lives.
Ahead of conducting pastoral prayer, Pastor V. Nenglian, Local Pastor of EBCC Delhi had to convey the news about the sad demise of (Late) Pastor Chinkhotuan early the day before in New Lamka. In his customary pastoral prayer, he invoked the Power of the Holy Spirit for the security and growth of the church members individually.
The gospel message for the worship service was delivered by Pastor G. Kamzamuan who has taken charge of Central Delhi since June 25, 2011. He read the epistle to the Ephesians as recorded in Revelations 2:1-7. He ridiculed with no reservation, the act of EBC Church, of having left their first love (for Christ). The works, the labour, the patience, the hatred for evil, the zeal for purging evil elements and other virtues that characterized the Church of Ephesus is present in no small measure with the EBC Churches. But in the absence of an honest Love for God, all the efforts of the Church are nothing but a waste of energy.
Brother L.B. Sona, Chairman, Zomi Council, the eldest son of (Late) Siamkung, the pioneer of Church planting in the south district of Manipur was ceremoniously welcomed in the service. The brother who was in Delhi for official purpose informed the gathering that he had come to the Church to give credit to God and the Church members for the warmth they felt during the departure of his father to his heavenly abode in January 26, 2012.
Special number from Miss Chingngaihlun and friends from Central Delhi preceded the address by L/Upa Khamkhansuan of the visiting Church. Halting though, the speech from the newly elected elder/Upa gave light to the genesis and growth of the EBCC Central Delhi. The passionate presentation of the statistical details gave nostalgia and cheers.
Apart from the above, the worship service witnessed announcement of invitation to the congregation to grace the upcoming ceremonies by members like wedding and unveiling of epitaph/memorial stone.
As Upa Damsawmthang, Local Chairman to the EBCC Delhi, read the word of God "Search me...." the devotees remembered the manner in which the Church began its journey 20 years ago and how God the provider has done unimaginable good to the Church.
The last hymn, "When we all get to heaven" BNL-336, seemed appropriately selected as it gave a peek into the state of joyfulness awaiting Christians in Heaven.
The last blessing for the gathering was showered through benediction by the first anointed elder in the history of EBC Church in Delhi, Upa G. Zamkhothang who is presently holding the post of Vice Chairman EBCC, Central Delhi.
Thereafter the worshipers departed with a harmonious musical postlude.
@T. Lianpu (Media Team)