Joint Worship: GCF Delhi & EBCC Delhi

28 August, 2015

Date: 23rd August, 2015 at 11:00 AM

Today’s Worship service is a unique occasion - a visit by the Gangte Christian Fellowship (GCF) as part of the Pastors Prayer Fellowship (PPF) – Delhi Pulpit Exchange Program.

Elder Damsomthang welcomed the congregation and highlighted the Church Building Project of GCF, which was followed by Secretary, GCF who spoke about the history of GCF. Sunday message was delivered by Pastor Wilson, GCF Pastor, on the topic “Let your light so shine” (Matthew 5:3-16).

Summary of the sermon is as follows: The word of God is alive and powerful to this day. It can do wonders if used by the Holy Spirit of the Lord. During His days, Jesus was the talk of the town. The disciples could have exploited this for their own benefit. The Gospel is also prone to misuse for personal gains by selfish motives. It is imperative that we must adhere to the teachings of Jesus Christ. Otherwise, it is dangerous that we may hurt the sentiments of our Lord for our own peril. The question that lies before us is “whether we have suffered by being faithful and truthful to the Lord?” Those who could withstand the desires of the world tends to have better relationship with the Lord and they can set an example for others. If you are not a good orator, you could preach the gospel through your life. To be a disciple of the Lord, we must be prepared to be different from the world. We must be bold enough to accept and deny what is right and wrong. We are the salt of the earth. And preaching the Gospel is a mission entrusted by the Lord to His disciples. We should be able to have a positive effect on our surroundings if we are a true disciple of Christ, giving light to the lives of others.


Inputs by: Lianminthang Samte & S.Lianlalmuan

Church Address:

Evangelical Baptist Convention Church Delhi
Plot No 16, Pocket 6, Dwarka Sector 1A
New Delhi - 110 045
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