Inter-Church Joint Youth Fellowship | 30 July 2023 | 2:00 PM
A song of praise and worship was led by the worship team, songs included were of different
dialect which is unique and indeed very lively and elevating. After the fourth song, Pastor T
Lamkhanthang read a Bible verse form John 17:11 & 23, as he was the leader of a mass
prayer, he emphasized the importance of the spiritual unity regardless of our different
doctrine and inducted as a prayer point. He said that, in order to unite among our leaders
and people may God bless us through this fellowship and the prayer begin.
Sister Margaret Chinggoulun addressed the welcome speech. She also introduced our
Pastors and BYF committee members as well as our guest churches one after another. She
ended her speech with a vote of thanks.
The next item of the programme was followed by ice breaking session led by Mr K Lalthang
and Miss Julie Donngaihlun. Calling out a volunteer form each guest church, they made them
to introduce themselves about their names, from which church and what message they
wanted to convey. To end this item the leaders made each one of us turned to our left and
right and say ‘God bless you’ to the one seated beside us, further to solidify this message of
togetherness and unity in Christ Miss Julie read a bible verse from 1Corinthians 1:10.
Spare time was given to guest church of TPCS (Tangphai presbyterian church synod), KWS
(Kuki worship service), ZCF (Zomi Christian fellowship). Each of them presented a song one
after another.
Moving on to the next item, Rev L Kamzamang occupied the stage to deliver his sermon,
amidst the chaos back in hometown and in such unprecedented time he said, I asked God
for what message I shall deliver today and he gave me on the topic of ‘HOPE’ which is in fact
the most important thing for us right now.
The word hope in the Bible is not wishful thinking or being optimistic, but it is a confidence
expectation of God’s promises, which is yet sure to be fulfil. The word HOPE is mentioned
164 times in the English standard version Bible. The book of Psalm mentioned the most
which was followed by the book of Job. He had a short prayer and start continuing on his
The letter H in HOPE stands for ‘Him’ and it is in God that we find hope because he himself is
the source of hope (psalm 62:5&6), but not in new day, new month, new year, new people,
new opportunity, new job, new leader etc. That is the reason why we human beings when
we put our hope in man or to politicians or even to our parent’s we got disappointed. It’s
not that I don’t say that we should not put our hope in people, in the church or in our
leaders but we should understand that hope begins with God and end with God says our
speaker. God is not only the source but also the God of hope (Romans 15:13), in 1Kings 18
there is a showdown between Elijah and the Baal’s prophets in mount Carmel, although how
many time the Baal’s prophet called onto their Gods they weren’t answer, they started
inflecting and cut upon themselves however they weren’t answer because they worshiped
false God even though their dedication and sacrifice were great. Thus when we understand
where does our hope comes from, our worship will eventually be right no matter how small
is our faith. Elijah although he prayed a very simple prayer, God answer him and sent fire
from heaven. So, who is your hope?
The next letter O in the word hope stand for ‘OMINI’ of God. 1) Omnipresent 2) Omniscient
3) Omnipotent but Setan is not one among this. Setan thought that he could tempt Jesus
Christ but he failed thus when we talk about setan we short of glorify him so much that we
elevated him much more than God that we began to fear setan more than God. but today I
want all of us to learn from the God of omnipotent that God is present everywhere said our
speaker. Since he is present everywhere he knows everything, he see what we can not see,
he is present where our eyes could not reach. In psalm 139:7-10 we can see that God is
every where and he is omnipresent, so my breather God is with us in every situation even
when our houses has been burned down, devoured and chased away by the enemy. Our
speaker assured to us that God is with us when we are bullied in school and college or being
ridiculed. When we are lying in our death bed, when we are betrayed by our friends and
lovers, Immanuel the God is with us (Hebrew 13:5). Hebrew 4:13 made clear to us that our
lives is displayed as T.V screen in front of God, in 1John 3:20, God knows everything that is
what made him omniscient, there is nothing hidden in the eyes of God, he knows what had
happened to us in the past, he know the struggle, addiction and problem that we went
through right now. He knows our very thought and even when we disobey him, even our
depression and difficulties, our insecurity and even when our life seems falling apart a we
are stuck in between God knows and he sees. One of the greatest thing is this said our
speaker, when we commit sin and asked God for his forgiveness he turn a blind eye and
pretend not to see those sin. He knows our mind are filled with dirty thought but still God
loved us and called us his sons and daughters. So, we must keep our hope in him. In psalms
147:4&5, it is clear that God is omnipotent. The God who made Samson and Solomon, the
God who rise the greatest king and pull down the proud king from the throne, the God who
turned king Nebuchadnezzar into animal and killed king Herod with maggot, the God who is
all powerful is our God so we should never be discourage. The God who can change the
course of history, who created the heaven and earth, the God who named the galaxy and
the stars and all the solar system is the God who can grant and gave our demands. Thus lets
not put our hope in all those politicians and leaders rather in Jesus Christ who is omnipotent.
The letter P in Hope stand for ‘promise’. Where do we find the hope of God? we find the
hope of God in the Promise of God. we human being can make promises but it is very
difficult to fulfil those promises. There were 8810 promises found in the Bible, among those
7147promise are between man a God. In Joshua 21:45, it is said that all the Lords good
promises are fulfilled among the Jewish people. In 2Corinthians 1:20, it is said that all God’s
promises are yes and amen in Jesus Christ. So why should we trust God? asked the speaker.
Because he is the source of hope, he is omnipresent, omniscient and omnipotent. How
should we trust God? we should trust God by holding onto his promises. 7key promises of
God are 1. Salvation (Romans 1:16) 2. Wisdom (James 1:5) 3. Power (2Timothy 1:7) 4. His
presence (Isiah 41:10 & Metthew 28:20) 5. His providence (Philippians 4:19) 6. Answers
(Metthew 7:7&8 & Mark 11:24) 7. His Guidance (Philippians 1:6).
The letter E in the word Hope stands for ‘Evidence’. Why should we keep our hope in God?
because we have seen a lots of evidence in the past and present and also his faithfulness in
the future (Exodus 19:14). In Joshua 4 we can see that what God had given the instruction to
Joshua is the testament of his promise (the monument of 12 stones). Comparing about the
past days in Delhi and the present, the speaker points out the difficulties that were faced by
the people during those days and its is evident that God has guided us till date. His
faithfulness can be witness through our past experience and even in the future. Some one
said about the evidence of God’s faithfulness as ‘Remember the days you prayed for things
you have now’. From the very beginning of the current clashes that we face till today it
seems as if everything was against us even the media were speaking against us however the
evidence of God’s faithfulness is seen from those we never expect, the foreign parliament
rising the issue of us is indeed the wonder works of God. In this very country itself God sent
people from every direction to raise our voice, Praise the Lord. If God wasn’t on our side we
would be ashes by now because the aim of our enemy is to blow us all out by now but God is
with us, still love us, he open his arm and give us a chance (Psalm 121). Matthew 6:34 taught
us to endure and perceiver regardless of the hardship that we face. we should press on
because our hope lies in God and the land that he made for us lies ahead of us is more than
that of what we left behind (Hebrews 11:15). So, my breather said our speaker, in the past
2000year our Lord Jesus Christ was crucified on the cross, he kept holding onto the cross
although he was despised, spat on, and punished. He kept holding onto the cross amidst the
pain and suffering because he knows that one day you and me will come into this world and
he hope something from you, that is giving our life to him, let us accept him today.
Then a dedicated song was sang by one miss Bliss, while the song was going on our speaker
made a call and told them to come in front so that he can pray for them. After the song was
over he prayed for those who take the commitment.
Choir was presented by BYF Delhi, Vaiphei Christian Fellowship, Gangte Christian
Fellowship, a word of encouragement was presented by a representative from MELC
and EOC. Solo was presented by HCF and Duet was presented by BYF Central
Closing song was led by worship team, Elder Thangkhosiam Tonsing held an
offertory prayer followed by closing prayer.