Holy Communion | 9 July, 2023 | 2:00 PM
Four songs was sang one after another, with the worship team leading us in praising God.
Elder T Tuanmuanthang dedicated the offering.
Pastor Dr Suankhanhau Gualnam welcome the first timer of the church and made known to
us that there will be prayer fellowship on Wednesday night and a programe will be
conducted for people who feel weakend in spirit on Saturday he said.
Being the speaker, He said that the lord supper is indeed important to remind oneself and to
strengthen in Christ for we are the follower of our lord Jesus Christ. Today we will be talking
about the three purposes of a Holy communion. He read out a chosen bible verse from
1Corinthians 11 : 23-32 and held a prayer.
The 1 st important thing about the lord supper is, to remember the suffering of Christ on the
cross and what he did for us. Why is it important to remember our lord Jesus Christ? why do
we need to look back on his suffering? In order for a person to know his present condition,
one must look back on his past. Likewise, we should remember Christ and his suffering so
that our salvation is firm in him and not act according to the liking of oneself, least we might
forget where our salvation came from. So our Lord wanted us to remember his body when
we take the bread, this signifies that he suffer physically to save us. When Jesus talked about
his body and blood in John 6, everyone left him for they think he is some sort of cannibal
little do they know what he meant to convey is to depend on him wholly. God wanted us to
remember all his suffering and wound inflicted upon him only so that we could be saved,
that is why he said, ‘this is my body, which is for you; do this in remembrance of me.’ We
should not forget salvation is free of cost but the one who pay the price bought with his life.
The 2 nd important thing can be seen on the line ‘this cup is the new covenant in my blood; do
this, whenever you drink it, in remembrance of me.’ What Christ wanted to convey in this
line is that the price of sin is bought with his blood. This in fact is very serious and is indeed
total grace for human but for Christ it cost his life. The Israelite have Passover feast, God
wanted them to remember that Israel was chosen nation and this feast should reminded
their freedom the slavery of the Egyptian. Likewise we have Jesus and whenever we drink his
blood it should remind us that we are a new nation in him and we are free from the slavery
of sin. This holy communion shows the connection between God and his believers and
oneness within the believers. The 3 rd being the ‘lesson’, the Lord’s supper wanted to teach
the relation between the believers. Jesus breaking the bread into several pieces shows that
each believer is conjoin with him. The things which Christians are really concern about is
segregation with in the community. Thus it seems that when we take the supper it’s like we
take a vow not to hate a believer for it reminds that we are one in Christ said our speaker
and taking this testify that we are his follower. Our relation with God means that we are the
place where the spirit reside, we ought to ask ourself what kind of house are we for the
spirit to reside in? so, knowing that the spirit reside within us we should shun all kinds of bad
things and keep ourself clean body, mind and soul. As a Christian we believe in the second
coming of Jesus Christ(mark 26:29), he was born in the lowest place and died on the cross
dishonoured to save us from the price of sin that is death. It is when we take this supper that
we proclaim of his death. When he come for the second time he will come to judge for what
is right and what is wrong, he will come as king of kings. This is the three important things
that God want us to know when we take his supper. Our speaker invite us to ask ourself that
will God be happy with how we spent our life? Is our body a safe place for the spirit to reside
within us?
When he finished his sermon the Pastor call upon those appointed elders to do the supper.
He read a bible verse from the book of 1Corinthians 11:23-26. The elders open up the cloth
used to cover the supper then the Pastor held a prayer then he perform the procedure step
by step after the formality was done, the congregation started to approach the supper one
by one in the mean time a song was being sang which is usually a song of tragedy.
After the congregation is done with the supper a mass prayer was held which was followed
by closing prayer by our Pastor.