Good Friday Service | April 19, 2019
Speaker: Pastor H. Biakson, Local Pastor, EBCC, Delhi.
Theme: Significance of The Cross
Bible References: Luke 23:33-49, Matthew 27:36, John 19: 30-31
For the Jews, the Cross signifies a symbol or an object that depicts where the cruellest form of execution or a method of capital punishment meant for the sinners, blaspheme and criminals is carried out.
For Christians, the Cross signifies the power of God to those who are being saved. God destined the Cross for His only son Jesus so that the world may be saved through Him. The Cross signifies hope and the manifestation of God’s love for human beings. The death of Jesus on the Cross is the fruition of what was being prophesized in Isaiah.
Jesus practiced what He preached. When your brother sins against you not only you have to forgive him seven times, but seventy times seven. While He was nailed and hanged on the Cross, soldiers were gambling for His clothing; the criminals on the crosses on either side of Him were reviling Him; the religious leaders were mocking Him; and the crowd was blaspheming Him. Surrounded by this most unworthy lot, still Jesus prayed for them saying “Father, forgive them” which is a prayer of unmatched mercy and love.
Cross is the gateway to Heaven. The death of Jesus on the Cross bridges the gap between God and man, who were separated because of Eden’s sin. While one of the criminals who was hanged on the cross hurled abuse at Jesus, the other criminal knowing Jesus very well asked that Jesus remember him when He is in His kingdom. He knows that he deserved to die for what he did, but Jesus was crucified despite doing nothing wrong. Jesus thus says to him, “Truly I say to you, today you shall be with me in Paradise”. Jesus forgives our sins, intercedes for us and died for us so that we can have an eternal life and joyfully dwell with Him forever in Paradise. It should be our utmost objective to live in Paradise.
Cross is the symbol of our restoration and reformation. Jesus entrusted John to care for his mother Mary instead of His brothers. Though she had other sons, Jesus chose John to provide care for Mary after His death. Jesus’ brothers did not become believers until after His resurrection. Further, Jesus’ brothers were not present at His crucifixion.
Though Mary is not his mother John would certainly obey this command. This teaches us that we have to care for the old and aged, and to build up one another. The blessings that were bestowed upon us should not be stored for individual gains only but shared among the needy. Like His disciples, we may abandon Him many times, lose our way at times, but we can rebuild and re-establish our relationship because of the Cross.
The Cross reflects the righteousness of God and His love for human beings. Though death is an eternal separation, through the death of Jesus on the Cross we can restore the lost relationship, attain salvation and receive eternal life. Jesus proclaimed on the Cross that “It is done”. This tells us the victory over Satan, made the devil powerless and the price of all sins has been paid. He fulfilled God’s plan-setting us free by dying on the Cross and connecting us directly to God the Father.
Jesus died for us so that we can have eternal life and live with Him in Paradise. Jesus shows us that despite the many wrongs done to us, we should always forgive. He was nailed on the Cross for no wrong of His but still He forgives and prays for those who persecute Him. The blessings that we received should benefit everyone. For the hopeless and those who lose their way, we should always look to the Cross for our restoration.
After the Message, Pastor Biakson administers the Holy Communion Service. He reiterated that taking Holy Communion does not only remind us of Jesus’ suffering but also shows us the amount of love He had for us. As we partake in this, we joyfully proclaim the Lord’s death and resurrection until He comes again.
Order of service :: DEW (page-4) | April 14, 2019
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