Good Friday Programme: 18th April 2014
“From noon until three in the afternoon darkness came over all the land. About three in the afternoon Jesus cried out in a loud voice, “Eli, Eli, lama sabachthani?” – Matthew 27:46
EBCC Delhi continues to commemorate the crucifixion of Christ and His sacrificial death at Calvary. The Good Friday programme focused on the significance of Christ’s death and the prophecy thus fulfilled. The hymns, the songs, the prayers and the introspection among the attendants of the service reflect the melancholic emotions of the churchgoers as they contemplate the agony of Christ and His suffering in mount Calvary. And as we observed the Holy Communion, we once again consecrated ourselves to be the testimony of Jesus’ sacrifice.
The Good Friday programme began with the Pastor reading a passage from Matthew 27. The Praise and Worship team led the church with gentle hymns. The offerings collected were dedicated by Upa Thianzakham. Following the prayer, a series of special numbers were performed by various members. They are:-
- The BYF choir team presented “Tua Sisan”, composed by T.Pumkhothang.
- Mangi and Friends, a quartet of 3 lads and a lady. They performed a melodious song with a guitar.
- A bro-sis duo - Sylvia and Alex Naulak performed “I’ll fly away” with a much expected zeal.
- N. Ginkhansuan and a friend sang “Itna Lamdang”.
- A collective from Vasant Kunj under the banner “Vasant cell 3” performed a choir.
Guests and new members: A new Evangelist by the name of Khankhuphang attended his first Delhi EBCC service today. He is an M.Div graduate from GBC and will be working with the Local pastor in various mission works. Guests were Upa Khamkhokam Guite & family and Rev V Thangsuan.
Brief summary of the Minister’s Good Friday message: In the past years, the pastor gave sermon about the events right after Christ’s death such as the earthquake, tombs broke open and the curtain in the temple torn from top to bottom. Today Pastor V. Nenglian’s Good Friday message was of the significance of Christ’s death and its worthiness and the lesson that we Christians can connect with and follow through.
He said that Christ death was deemed worthy in the eyes of the Heavenly as it glorified God. In his final hours, Jesus was excruciated and agonized. He was nailed to the cross. But Jesus refused to ask God to ease his burden and save Him. He accepted the fate that God had given Him and proclaimed that “this is the reason I came to this hour”. The speaker asked the church members to accept our place in this world as it may be, to live as we are and to let go of the worldly possessions which we so longed for, that so often filled the minds. But rather set our goal for the things far beyond. And with whatever little we have, to praise and glorify God, even in the direst situations, for God seek glorification, not only of the achievers and the accomplished, but from all of us.
Christ crucifixion, the Pastor said, serve as a divergent from the Original sin - the innate sin that we have inherited from Adam and Eve. As written in Johan from the Bible, the Crucifixion is the only way out from this sin but only if we accept that Christ died for that sin. “However, the sacrifice does not guarantee an automatic salvation, what we do and how we accept and apply the teaching of Christ to our lives dictates the path to salvation and Christ is the way” he said. The Pastor listed four points to follow through as a believer:
- Accept Christ death and to act to the world accordingly
- To shun evil
- To lead His lambs to Christ
- And to be light of this world
The Pastor last message was a message of comfort to the disheartened, the underachiever, the disappointed. For those who failed, for those who lost and for those ailing. There is no place for suicidal tendencies, he said, after what Christ had done for us. This life of ours will be at times disappointing and we may live; deprived from things we deserved or expected, and such is life. He asked the attendants to bear the clogs of life as Christ did and take pleasure in the thought of eternal contentment that awaits in the afterlife.
The Pastor concluded his sermon with a prayer and dedicated the Holy Communion to God.
The sermon was followed by the proceedings of the Holy Communion, done in remembrance of Christ. The mass was presided by the Pastor and the local elders.
Upcoming programme:-
Easter Sunday celebration on Sunday, April the 20th @ 11am
Khupminlian Hanghal
Media Team, EBCC Delhi