Good Friday | 29 March 2024 | 2:00 PM
The service program commenced with an opening prayer and the reading of a Bible verse taken from the Book of John 19:28-30, led by Htp. Thangkhankhual, followed by praise and worship service. This segment concluded with the offertory dedicated by Upa Albert Songput.
The mass prayer was led by Pastor Dr Suankhanhau Gualnam, who started the prayer service by reading from the Book of Proverbs 16:7. He compared the Bible verse with the current situation of the world. Then he urged us to pray for forgiveness, for unity and peace, and for each other. After the conclusion of the mass prayer, a special item, in the form of a song titled ‘Jordan Lui’, was given by the BYF Choir Team.
The sermon of the day was preached by Pastor Hau on the topic of the Cross and what it represented to us Christians. The first thing it represented was the severity of the punishment for the criminals of that time. He emphasized on the utter despair and despondency that Jesus would’ve felt at the time of the crucifixion. However, that very ordeal was what brought about a symbol of hope for the Christians in the form of the Cross. So the same Cross that was a representation of despair, also, through the blood of Jesus Christ, became a symbol of hope. It was also a representation of what the sinners(we) deserved. And yet, it was not us, but God who paid the ultimate price on behalf of us, something that we did not deserve, but nevertheless got solely because of God’s unending love for us. (Around this time, Pastor Hau showed the congregation a short screening of Jesus’ crucifixion.) He further iterated that Christians who call themselves so, but don’t fully realize the full miracle of what exactly happened on that Cross, were still somewhat superficial, and their faith was not as deep. Once you fully accept and realize all that the Cross holds, you will feel justified and vindicated. So ultimately, the Cross also represents an undying love from the Father, His grace, and forgiveness.
Pastor Hau then presided over the Holy Communion and the congregation prayerfully partook the communion bread and wine signifying the flesh and blood of Christ. The congregation then sang ‘Toupa Hoih Hi Toupa Lian Hi’, and the service was concluded with the benediction given by Pastor Hau.