GBC Sunday Worship Service | 07 July 2024 | 5:00 PM
Today's 5pm service begins by reading the Word of God taken from Hebrew 5:7-9 and anopening prayer by Miss Chingminjem. A wonderful time of Praise and Worship follows led by theWorship team, offerings were collected and dedicated to the Lord by Elder Chinsum.
Pastor Suankhanhau welcome the congregation which was followed by Pastoral Prayer. Elder Goulian Vualzong gives a short speech on his experience of passed camp organised by
BYF, he also invite more youth to register for the upcoming camp.
Mr. Mimin Baite presented a special number i.e Sihna Limguam beautifully.
Pastor Hau started of his sermon by showing off some pictures of the GBC building. He reads a portion from the bible taken from 2Timothy 2:2, he expend on the importance of commitment . He also expands on why sacrifice is needed to achieve the commitment one make so that others can trust him too. It is important to give respect in obeying his orders to get his blessing. If one make a commitment to God than he/ she should strictly follows the commitment one make. Resposiblity of obeying is our own duty. One should know that if God is Love, he is also the God that give you punishment for your wrong doings. If one fail to follows the commitment he/she make than he also should be ready for the punishment waiting for them for they are not faithful the the Lord. He also speaks on the importance of reading the bible and praying everyday to be
faithful and strong to the commitment one make as one get weak easily without it. He ended his sermon by inviting the youth to meditate on the commitment one make and make
commitment as the Lord wants.
A short sharing by Miss Chiinliankim on her experience at GBC college. A report on GBC and EBCC Delhi was given by Elder P Chinliankhup
After Praise and worship, Elder T Songzalian ended the sermon with a prayer.