GBC Sunday Worship Service | 07 July 2024 | 11:00 AM
The Sunday church service, also celebrating GBC Day, started with a reading from the Word, 2 Timothy 3:16. The congregation, led by the worship team, sang a few hymns before Elder H. Zabiak prayed over the offering of the day.
Pastor T. Lamkhanthang greeted the congregation and announced that starting next week, Bible Study Method Classes will begin. These classes, taught by Pauzalun, will be conducted in our native language. Then, he prayed for the congregation as it was the start of a new month. Before the sermon, Paukhanlun performed a special number and sang a beautiful song.
Pastor T. Lamkhanthang started his sermon with a prayer. He then stated that the wisest of the wise people based their study and knowledge on the Bible. That the love for the Bible is the way to abundant wisdom. Furthermore, he mentioned that there is no true metric for wisdom as in the wise people there is foolishness and in foolish people there is wisdom. However, there is an established truth that wisdom is found in the Bible. He quoted the Psalmist when he stated that through the Bible, there is greater wisdom found than that found in the world’s wisdom. The pastor also established that wisdom walks hand in hand with obedience to God. There is freedom in the Bible for there are living words in the Bible.
At the end of his sermon, he urged the congregation, stating that anyone who has read the Bible experiences a transformed life. He concluded by asking the church if they see a change in their lives. The pastor ended his sermon with a prayer.
Following the sermon, Rebecca Dimkhoniang shared her experience in GBC. She introduced that she’s lived a good life growing up but when she started seeing death around her life, that’s when she started feeling anxiety as well as a thirst for spiritual growth. A major question in her life was how to go about living life with the understanding of death that she had now. Ultimately, this led her to Grace Bible College.
She elaborated on the vast subjects and assignments in the college, as well as the daily routine and annual schedule of the college. Rebecca then talked about one of the ministries she was involved with and her learnings from it. She also stated GBC as her Alma Mater as it was her beginning foundation. At the end, Rebecca finished her speech by saying that God has orchestrated her entire life and for the good, has placed her in GBC, which was a blessing for her life.
Lastly, T/Upa P. Chinliankhup gave a report on GBC and EBCC Delhi’s initiatives towards the college. After a short praise and worship session, Elder T. Roumuan ended the service with a prayer.